Mono Red storm
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 26, 2018, 4:32 p.m. by SeekerofSecrets
So with the printing of Runaway Steam-Kin I think we're really close to having a viable mono red storm. I've brewed up 2 varieties
Runaway Storm; this one is more of an all in storm deck
Steamy Pyro; this is more of a value based deck with the ability to storm off using a token sub theme as the win con and a way to store mana
I'm playing gifts storm and I dont think either list is as consistent as that BUT they are more flexible and able to attack and win from multiple fronts.
The combo seems more fragile without gifts and the "activation cost" to get moving is slightly higher with steam kin.
I would love to hear the communities thoughts on the new archetype and whether or not its viable or if we need just a little more push.
Thanks for any thoughts!
SeekerofSecrets says... #3
So I totally agree that blue is absolutley amazing with this strategy but I feel like we have to look at steam kin a little bit differently than baral or electromancer, he has the ability to 'store' mana so my thought is that while he's not as good for in an all in combo deck, he is really good at shifting momentum and short bursts.
Gifts storm is scary consistant but it is also very easy to disrupt (speaking from my own experience) I think this could be more resilient while still threatening a turn 3 kill
September 26, 2018 10:47 p.m.
DragonKing90 says... #4
for the purpose of storm decks, Runaway Steam-Kin is a mana accelerant and nothing more. storm doesn't need more mana accelerants. the things that disrupt UR storm will still disrupt a mono red build, but even more so. at least in UR you can sideboard counterspells if your opponent has discard spells. its hard to be more resilient when you're dropping the color that has counterspells.
September 26, 2018 10:56 p.m.
SeekerofSecrets says... #5
I disagree, Current gifts storm is susceptible to grave yard hate, cards that limit searching (Leonin Arbiter), and taxing affects like Thalia, Guardian of Thraben and Damping Sphere. this would only really be affected by taxing affects and I feel like building value through it is a decent way to deal with it
It's also important to note that UR storm uses bounce affects to deal with direct hate and counter spells to starve control decks. It doesn't really deal with the hate but rather just creates enough of a gap to push for a win
DragonKing90 says... #2
i don't see much purpose in being mono-red when blue offers so much for the deck. cantrips are just too valuable for getting the combo, Baral, Chief of Compliance and Goblin Electromancer save you a ton of mana making it far easier to combo, and Remand/Unsubstantiate not only protect the combo, but more than doubles the damage from Grapeshot or tokens from Empty the Warrens.
September 26, 2018 9:34 p.m.