Naya Budget zoo burn
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on June 28, 2015, 11:45 p.m. by thegrimreefer333
zoo is atarkas command better then 2 helix? any suggestions?
thegrimreefer333 says... #3
i think your right its just a great tempo card i just dident know if i could afford to cut two of for the command of having that stronger beatdown ... right now meta where i am is alot of twin living end affinity amulet burn what you see most also some tron geist decks elfs goblins etc
June 29, 2015 12:09 a.m.
haha. I was looking at your landbase and was like "Budget? BUDGET?" Then I realized that there were no Goyfs. Guess that does make it budget hahaha
June 29, 2015 6:40 a.m.
thegrimreefer333 says... #5
hahah yea i happend to have most of the lands alrdy and have been winning and improving on it as much as i can one day maybe ill win some goyfs lol
rothgar13 says... #2
Lightning Helix is most helpful in the aggro mirror, where it offsets the life you cost yourself with fetches and shocks. Atarka's Command is better in the control matchup, where you're trying to down him before he stabilizes. I think having one in the maindeck and the other in the sideboard is probably the most appropriate course of action. Which one gets the honors is probably a matter of what decks you're most likely to play against (in most metas, it'll be aggro, so start with Lightning Helix).
June 29, 2015 12:01 a.m.