need to cut at least 2 lands
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on March 6, 2019, 2:57 a.m. by abenz419
I need to cut at least two lands from my deck, Mono Blue Eldrazi. I don't know where to make the cuts though. I need enough blue sources that I can hit the double blue for Elder Deep-Fiend without sacrificing the ability to cast the colorless creatures too. I feel like the lands I currently have are all important. The temples and tron lands to produce large amounts of mana quickly. the Watery Grave and Cascade Bluffs to help cast the deep-fiends, dismembers, and Kozilek's Return out of the sideboard. Sanctum of Ugin helps chain together deep-fiends.
What do you guys think, where can I make the cuts, and why? In testing, the deck floods out regularly with 26 lands. I feel like 23 or 24 is probably ideal.
The duel lands are there because they offer the ability to play things out of the sideboard. Hand disruption like Thoughtseize and Distended Mindbender along with Kozilek's Return . But in all honesty, after talking to some friends of mine and based on various things said during the many questions I've been asking on here. The deck has changed a decent amount since I posted this.
I feel like this version has the best mana base with 13 blue sources to cast EDF. 7 black sources to cast things out of the sideboard, 9 if it's Distended Mindbender . And 7 red sources for Kozilek's Return out of the sideboard as well. It also has 21 colorless sources as well. This version also uses Wretched Gryff . It's a 3/4 flyer that typically cost 3 mana and draws a card on cast. It also triggers Sanctum of Ugin so I can tutor for Elder Deep-Fiend , Thought-Knot Seer , or Reality Smasher depending on what's the most relevant at the time.
March 6, 2019 4:01 p.m.
SP3CTR3_chelts says... #5
I do prefer the new mana base! Have you played it much since the change?
March 8, 2019 4:32 a.m.
@SP3CTR3_chelts I played some games on friday against my friends mono red arclight phoenix burn deck. It actually did really well. Out of the 6 or 7 games we got to play in between FNM rounds it won like 4 of them. Which I thought was a pretty good sign, because my mana base can be painful at times so I figure burn probably isn't the greatest matchup for me. Elder Deep-Fiend probably single handedly won me 2 of those games as well, so I'm glad it was worth the effort trying to make the mana base work to include him.
March 9, 2019 10:58 p.m.
SP3CTR3_chelts says... #7
That is great news I'm glad you managed to sort your problem whilst keeping the Fiend!
March 15, 2019 8:50 a.m.
@SP3CTR3_chelts yeah I actually kind of missed playing him. I ran this sultai deck (with a red splash) when he was legal in standard. It was so much fun. It Prized Amalgam , Haunted Dead , and some graveyard enablers like Vessel of Nascency , Grapple with the Past , and Noose Constrictor .
It was pretty consistent at getting a Haunted Dead into the graveyard early, then pitching a Prized Amalgam or two to bring it back during my opponents upkeep, then in response to the ETB trigger on Haunted Dead sac it to Elder Deep-Fiend to tap all their lands down (triggering Sanctum of Ugin and Kozilek's Return when needed) leaving me with amalgams, a spirit, and elder deep-fiend and then repeating the process. Essentially time walking my opponent from turn 4 and on. I'll have to see if I can remember the deck list so I can show it to ya some time. It really was a blast to play.
March 15, 2019 5:40 p.m.
here's the deck list (at least close to it). This is about as close as I can remember. There is a couple of cards missing but for the most part this was the essentials of the deck.
March 15, 2019 6:02 p.m.
SP3CTR3_chelts says... #10
unfortunately I only started playing midway through Kaladesh so I was just getting into and enjoying SOI and how awesome that block was when I rotated so I missed out on lots of amazing cards and combos like this. I have a few of these cards so I may make and try it out casually it looks really quite fun!
The fact that Elder-deep fiend has flash is ridiculous!
March 18, 2019 4:42 a.m.
@SP3CTR3_chelts it's a lot of fun for the person playing it..... no so much for the people you're playing against lol
Boza says... #2
Cut the sanctums - I get needing to chain the EDFs, but if you are doing that, you are probably winning. Additionally, why dual lands in a mono-colored deck? Just add islands in order to be at least a little bit less susceptible to Blood Moon .
March 6, 2019 7:11 a.m. Edited.