Playing Modern for the First Time - Looking for Recommendations
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on April 18, 2023, 8:07 p.m. by lespaul977
Hi everyone!
My friend asked me to come along with him to Friday Night Magic this week, and the LGS is running Modern as the format. I’ve never played Modern before and am a little nervous since I know it is very competitive (I normally play casual kitchen table Magic).
Since I think it is my best deck, I’ll be running A Goblin, a Giant, and a Dwarf Walk into a Bar, which is a modified Mono Red Aggro Challenger deck. Since I’ve only ever played casually, I’ve never built a sideboard before. I tried putting one together, but I’m not sure if it’s any good and I still have one slot open.
Any and all advice on deck changes that would help it fit the format better would be much appreciated. Also, if anyone has any experiences or advice about playing FNM that you’d like to share, I’d appreciate that as well. I’ve only played a Standard format FNM once about 10 years ago in a different city and am not entirely sure what to expect.
Thank you in advance for your help! Cheers!
Since it would appear you have another thread on the same topic, I am going to close this one. Normally I would lock the other one as this is the thread in the correct forum, but since the other thread has more responses, I am going to close this one and move the other to this forum subsection.
wallisface says... #2
Something to be aware of, is that Modern is a format where being able to pilot a deck well matters more than the deck you’re actually running. Expect to lose quite a lot of games until you get a handle on how to not-only pilot your chosen deck to the best of its ability, bit also be able to accurately threat-assess what your opponents are doing and be able to most effectively disrupt their plans.
As far as the deck itself, it seems mostly fine, and shouldn’t perform too poorly. If you’re hoping to upgrade it over time to a more modern-competitive build, it most closely resembles Mono-Red Obosh Midrange, so i’d suggest making changes to get your list slowly more in-line with that deck (that deck-list also has a really high win ratio, fwiw).
April 18, 2023 9:56 p.m.