Please help with a budget friendly bant flash deck
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 22, 2019, 11:48 a.m. by youbecame
Hi all, Im super new to deck building myself, having mostly netdecked for most of my playing time.
I would really like to see if a flash deck could be put together that wouldn't completely fall apart.
In particular, can I get some ideas as to how to improve this bant flash soulherder fusion? Many thanks!
Bant Flash - Considering Upgrades
lagotripha Thanks for the feedback!
I'm also going to try out Judge's Familiar in the one drop, and then potentially something like
to compete in the two cmc slot against Growth Spiral
I've also, as you've indicated, have a bash at putting a first thought for a sideboard together, but there is much refinement needed there.
Thank you for your advice
October 23, 2019 8:29 a.m.
Your maindeck severly lacks both interaction & ways to close out the game.
I mean that you only have threats that win slowly, and your interactions is very limited, and doesn't stop the opponent from exectuing their gameplan (4x path is not enough, and Remand goes pretty badly alongside Spell Queller , as it does very little to protect it).
In general you want
Growth Spiral
in your deck if you want to "skip your third turn" in the sense that you want to have 4 lands on turn 3 WHILE holding up mana for interaction.
The deck plays a single 4+ cmc card - this i would dare to say that its just 4 card in the 75 to do very little - its wasted space.
(The best example of when to play this card is sultai wilderness teachings control - which wants to hold up counterspells on t2, then have man for
Cryptic Command
Wilderness Reclamation
Using Eladamri's Call to get a creature basically means you paid an extra GW to get said creature. I would dare to go as far as to say the card is close to useless if your deck is not built to abuse the interaction of given specific card. Your is not - as all of your cards (in theory) should create extra value together unlike with something like the vizier druid combo which is looking for those exact cards. Nor do you play silver bullet cards that hose strategies so bad that you auto win once said cards resolve.
In theory you should have some way to win the game in your deck.
If you build a flicker deck, then there are plenty of card that do this far better than what you have (and speed matter, as there are decks like tron where you must shut the door on them, unless you are some draw-go control list), so some example cards:
Blade Splicer
Wall of Resurgence
And imho its a sin to leave out some of the best card draw and selection engines this archetype can offer:
<- for 3 mana and ephemerate you draw 4 cards and get a flying body
Watcher for Tomorrow
(and playing some sort of mass flicker to survive board wipes - aka hate cards against creatures - might be a good idea
Eerie Interlude
Ghostly Flicker
do this fine)
lagotripha says... #2
It looks ok at a first glance- but you should plan your sideboard. The advantage of building for yourself over netdecking is that you can plan out your entire 75 and tailor them to your metagame.
With Eledmari's you can probably move some of the sideboard maindeck to be tutored, giving you even more flexibility.
I'm not sure about grazer/growth spiral. I can see the logic, but I don't feel like there is enough draw/consistancy to keep them providing value. If it was witness+fetches or Mulldrifter , perhaps. Still, those are the slots I would start messing around with first.
October 22, 2019 1:17 p.m.