Red, Black, White Modern Burn???
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 27, 2018, 5:40 a.m. by Watertower420
What pros and cons does Boros Burn have over a splash black version? With a very painful manabase you can keep Boros Charm and Lightning Helix while adding Gonti's Machinations which is quite playable with a fetch/shock manabase damaging you in the early game. Along side Eidolion Of The Great Revel a turn 1,2, or 3 play of this card is a guaranteed self activation. The key is to not sacrifice it until you have to, so that later copies are simpily Lava Spikes that gain you 3 life. I've been playtesting it extensively with 7x fetchlands and 8x shocklands and it performs very well. I use the typical Boros Burn deck with Lightning Helix and add Bump in the Night and Sovereign's Bite. The life gain comes out to be +9 or +12 a game and the self damage from lands comes out to be about the same if I fetch for all untapped shocks. I am wondering if perhaps this is of significance? I am wondering if this may be unique to this deck? The lifegain completely offsets the self damage and activates Machinations energy counters. Are there more viable deck ideas like this? Do you know of any decks in Modern that do this as well? It is oddly satisfying to be the reason your life die changes every turn. I am an old Boros Burn player and the amount of Mulligans I've had to take to get hands without 4+ 2 CMC spells is infuriating. Let me know your thoughts on this deck type. Any pros/cons you see over the standard red-white archtype? Is it worth the painfull manabase? Counting Goblin Guide there are 28 1 drops available instead of the regular 20, just by adding black. Livegain increases from a max of 12 to a max of 36 as well and avg. casting cost decreases! What do you think???
DragonKing90 says... #3
Gonti's Machinations only gain you an energy counter the first time you lose life in a turn, and only 1 energy regardless of the amount of life lost. so even if you play Gonti's Machinations turn 1, you won't be activating it until turn 3 if the only damage you take is self inflicted. you'd only be able to activate it sooner than that if your opponent attacks you within their first 2 turns. the biggest reason for adding black to burn is to use Claim with Vexing Devil.
September 27, 2018 10:43 a.m.
Gonti's Machinations seems pretty awkward because it's a burn spell that's bad to top-deck. The strength of Burn as an archetype is it's incredible consistency and I think you're probably making a mistake by including a card that's only a little bit more powerful than Lava Spike but has more situations in which it's dead.
September 27, 2018 2:58 p.m.
CrapdosNoob says... #5
Bro if you’re looking for some inspiration you can check out my Mardu Tribal Flames list. I’ve been tuning it for the last year and it’s been better than regular burn.
September 27, 2018 9:07 p.m.
Watertower420 says... #6
I like the Claim with Vexing Devil a bit. I diddnt know modern had an Unearth. Anyone ever seen Pain's Reward? And after some more play testing I'll post up a deck and a link on here. Gontis Machinations has been very usefull. I'll add the link to this thread when I'm done of your interested. The added life gain is quite a big difference when it comes down to topdecking
September 28, 2018 1:30 a.m.
I hoghly doupt that this is better than boros... What do you do against aggro decks or against decks with field of ruin?
The sideboard seems really weird could you exppain that?
September 28, 2018 5:53 a.m.
CrapdosNoob says... #8
Ok so I shouldn't say it's better, but it is generally faster.
Against aggro decks, you have Gonti's Machinations, Lightning Helix, and Chancellor of the Dross post-board.
Very rarely have I had issues against Field of Ruin in particular. Decks like UW Control usually can't afford to turn-3 Stone Rain me if they're already low on life. Additionally, most people assume you have at least one basic, so normally they don't prioritize the Field until they see your decklist. If the game goes long and they start Fielding me, I'm probably in a bad spot already.
The Chancellors are there specifically for other aggro decks or turn-3 decks. In matchups where you'll draw about 3 cards, it is more likely to have it in your opening than to draw it naturally.
Spell Pierce is there to deal with opposing hate such as Collective Brutality and Timely Reinforcements. Since these cards make it that much harder to win, it's probably best to 1-for-1 the spell, even when you're on the draw.
Atarka's Command is generally a better Skullcrack in my experience. The mana requirements are rarely a concern.
Naturally, I had to cut Eidolon of the Great Revel due to the mana base. Against aggro matchups, it kills you, and against midrange, it's a 2-mana Shock.
September 28, 2018 10:12 a.m.
CrapdosNoob says... #9
Oh, and Assassin's Trophy seems like the catch-all Destructive Revelry, even if I miss out on 2 damage.
September 28, 2018 10:13 a.m.
I dont think the chancelors are any good. You dont want a card that is only good in your opener and a bad topdeck otherwise.
Against aggro decks RW brun is gonna be bwtter no matter how much lifegain you have. You basically play all the colors just to make tribal flames work. Are you gonna fetch/shock yourself if ypu dont have it or wont ypu do that and end up with a very bad tribal flames ones you draw it?
You also lack lavamancer an searing effect that make a lot of MUs so much better.
Having a lot of basics/dont play to many colors is also good against decks with ghostquarter, path, blood moon and trophy once grn comes out. So thats really not only a question of field of ruin.
I think it comes down to wether the inconvenience of the mana base and the lack of eidolon are equaled out by the explosivenes you see in the list.
PS: you cant cycle spellbomb if there is a RIP on the board, thats somethibgyou mihht want to look at.
September 28, 2018 12:53 p.m.
Watertower420 says... #11
Well I tried out a Boros burn with the black cards in it and it just doesn't cut it. Not enough interaction with the board when you need it and getting mana screwed is something I promised myself years ago I would never go through again. Lol. I ended up making this deck as a casual, almost modern, Rakdos critter deck of anyone is interested. It's super fun. Dance With The Devil
lukas96 says... #2
Could you share an actual list?
That would make it easier to discus.
Im a burn player myself and I simply dont feel that the inconvenience of a three color mana base is worth it.
September 27, 2018 8:40 a.m.