Selective Drake

Modern Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 7, 2019, 4:52 p.m. by SeekerofSecrets

So I'm working on a new brew and plan on taking it to a small event tomorrow and then a larger tournament Saturday if it does well

Selective Drake

The list is 100% untested and tomorrow night will be its maiden voyage, I would love to hear your thoughts about the best way to support the combo of Crackling Drake and Selective Memory to be as competitive as possible.

I plan to later upgrade the list with blood moon, snaps, ect but atm this is what I have and intend to keep it fairly budget

Thanks for any advice!

Xica says... #2

As your list is...

You need a way to give the Damned drake haste AND to hold up counters on your turn, maybe something like Pact of Negation.

January 7, 2019 6 p.m.

Xica not with the current plan, I plan to cast drake around turn 6, and then memory on turn 7 (or turn 4, and 5 if playing something with little interaction). I really want it to feel like a tempo deck that can hold the combo over my opponents head. My current issue with it though is sustaining card advantage, I unfortunately cannot think of a budget replacement for jace or search....

January 7, 2019 6:15 p.m.

Xica says... #4 then (in theory) the drake should be lethal anyway, i mean is there even a matchup where you don't cast at least a single spell each turn on average?

January 7, 2019 8:37 p.m.

I'm honestly not even sure in this metta, I haven't played tempo in a year ( I've been on storm), but if the combo is just over kill it might be better just to drop drake to a 3 of, drop Selective Memory and just play 2 Torrential Gearhulk and then more interaction and land

January 7, 2019 9:02 p.m.

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