Sideboard Strategy Advice Needed for Rw Combo Deck
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 3, 2019, 3:35 a.m. by sergiodelrio
Dear Tappedout,
I'm looking for general advice for the Sideboard of my T2 Emrakul Deck
First of all, If you played against this deck and I pulled a T3 Emrakul for the win... how would YOU board against it?
Second of all, I believe this deck's weak spot is hand disruption and counterspells. So, if I had a janky Sideboard that I could entirely swap out with a portion of my deck, what strategy would catch control decks off guard?
Please keep in mind when suggesting, that a portion of the deck must also go out, and think about which one that should be. This deck consists of 3 general modules: 1) Ramp 2) Tokens 3) Combo+Draw
Thank you in advance!
sergiodelrio says... #3
@SP3CTR3_chelts thanks for the comment! Definitely a lot to think about and actually helps a lot, because you're giving me a perspective of sb who plays decks I don't.
The SB featured on the deck page right now is very generic and shouldn't be seen as something definitive. One big takeaway from your comment would be that you suggest actually keeping the combo (and the game plan) post board, and just make minor adjustments depending on the opponent.
While this is certainly a possibility, I'd really like to find out if changing the strategy would be a)possible and b)beneficial vs control and/or midrange decks. Not sure if I'm making sense.
December 3, 2019 7:31 a.m.
SP3CTR3_chelts says... #4
I would always keep the combo in but that does not mean that you can't run other win cons. for example my DD combo deck use to be combo but i would also be able to apply pressure on board against control and midrange. (more recent iterations just attempt to combo)
My logic about having a deck that sideboards into a different deck is that because your SB is being used up both versions of the deck are lesser versions of just playing one. the only time I have done that is when I ran a Ral/expansion explosion combo standard deck that ran 8 SB cards to turn it into a arclight phoenix deck when people could easily disrupt the combo.
December 3, 2019 7:51 a.m.
sergiodelrio says... #5
The thing is, keeping the combo in means no creatures or artifacts in the SB, and would require me to take out the ramp portion. Otherwise the combo as is could not reliably be pulled off. Maybe just board planeswalkers and burn spells :D
December 3, 2019 8:34 a.m.
sergiodelrio says... #6
The bottom line question really is:
Can 15 cards out of the SB turn this into a (pseudo-) Aggro deck?
December 3, 2019 8:37 a.m.
abbatromebone says... #7
- I am building a similar deck and one thing i find important is getting through disruption. against decks with heavy amounts of Removal like burn, they just wait with open mana, being they are instant speed and you are sorcery speed. so you either need counter magic or need a lot of mana and multiple targets.
December 3, 2019 11:13 a.m.
sergiodelrio says... #8
@abbatromebone this deck is designed to be able to at least X=2 for Indomitable Creativity if the opponent's deck calls for it or they have mana open.
Actually I'm overall quite pleased with the mainboard right now and really only looking for a viable sideboard strategy.
December 3, 2019 11:25 a.m.
SP3CTR3_chelts says... #9
I would not recommend making it into an aggro deck but i suppose a 15 card aggro supliment could look like this:
-1 Emrakul
-4 nahiri
-4 infernal purge
-2 dragon fodder
December 3, 2019 11:26 a.m.
sergiodelrio says... #10
Realistically, I'll only see 3-4 out of the 15 sided cards, so they all kinda need the potential to deal 4+ damage on their own.
Prowess might do the job and I've thought about it... still considering it.
The Goblin token on the other hand would allow me to use Goblin Grenade :D
Also looking at Vexing Devil , Koth of the Hammer and Boros Charm ...
What other cards could have the potential to deal 4+ damage on their own in this deck?
December 3, 2019 11:36 a.m. Edited.
abbatromebone says... #11
- Vexing devil is amazing turn 1, turn 2 its ok, turn there is a bad card beacuse its easy to deal with at that point.
- Koth is powerful but its a turn 4 card that doesnt nessicarily win you the game. Which is usually the power of a 4 drop needs to be.
- Boros charm is great in burn and im not sure if it has a home else were. the double strike is nice, but when they have to sac 6 things their board is to dead to do anything.
December 3, 2019 11:43 a.m.
sergiodelrio says... #12
abbatromebone the theory here is that, when my opponent realizes my deck has only 1 creature in game one, they'll side out all of their spot removal and side in cards vs emrakul, counterspells versus my enablers, etc. If I take emrakul out and change the strategy suddenly playing a bunch of creatures, they'll have no answer.
I wanna be janky that way ;)
December 3, 2019 11:49 a.m.
abbatromebone says... #13
- I get that idea, and have always loved decks that can do that. The problem is then that you just become a weak aggro deck. Your deck is built to race.
- When against control you can just hold and beat them slowly while you threaten to drop a big guy down. It forces them to hold up mana, making them even less effective. When they do deal with them you its an oppunity for you to go off being they had to commit. Then you slam them down.
- In terms of removal your one card creates 2 creatures, so they more than likely need 2 removal spells. which is card advantage. You might be able to win that way.
December 3, 2019 11:56 a.m.
sergiodelrio says... #14
abbatromebone interesting perspective. I'll keep that in mind and open up myself to the possibility of outplaying these decks differently, thanks! Could you recommend some cards that might help with your approach?
However now, just for the sake of it, and out of curiosity, I really must know how far I can push 15 cards of doom sideboard idea :D
December 3, 2019 12:08 p.m.
abbatromebone says... #15
- When you run a combo deck you want to change as little as possiable, so id probably add more token generators like Raise the Alarm and just out value them. I think you have all the red token generators but im not sure. Id maybe have blood moon to slow them down but it needs to hurt you less than it hurts them, you don't want to durdle to much.
- Another way to go about it is Fires of Invention and cast him for free.
SP3CTR3_chelts says... #2
Hey I play GUW Devoted druid combo, Burn and i have played phoenix a few times (before Faithless looting ban).
my combo deck is looking to go off at the same time as that but it has no response to a T3 Emrakul it would be a race to see who went off first. For this reason the path to exiles you have are the interaction you need against mine and lots of other decks.
burn wise i think the first few times you went of if you beat the burn strategy you would have the drop on me. However, after i knew your strategy my intent would be to keep all creatures off of your board which i think would be very achievable. running something like Pirate's Pillage (despite being a not so great card) could give you the token you need. IDK if that would work I'm just brainstorming ideas. Maybe something like lightning helix to remove a creature and helping against burn's strat is something more reliable.
I think you are very correct with the statement "I believe this deck's weak spot is hand disruption and counterspells" and decks like Grixis shadow will have a field day. I too struggle with that match up with my combo deck. I find Rest in Piece is good against the deck but not necessarily other decks that run hand hate and counter spells. Leyline of Sanctity also helps against hand hate.
sorry if this does not help much
December 3, 2019 6:48 a.m.