Simic Merfolk
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 4, 2019, 12:40 p.m. by ArchonBlue
Hi everyone! This is a homebrew of my own design which I'm really excited about. I want to know what you all think and would love any suggestions! :)
RyuSama1990 says... #4
why are you trying to run merfolk as midrange instead of aggro? merfolk have access to a ton of lords, and the only noncreature spells you really need are Aether Vial and Collected Company
February 4, 2019 8:37 p.m.
ArchonBlue says... #5
Ok, how about this deck? I'm really just trying to find Deeproot Champion a home because I think he's great. Bant Midrange
Xica says... #2
Well Growth Spiral is great in decks, that would love to have 4 mana on turn 3, and be able to either play turn 2 Remand or turn 3 Cryptic Command / Jace, the Mind Sculptor Unless there is some payoff, i don't think its worth the slot.
Deeproot Champion is a great card, but its not a great merfolk card. Its the second playset of Quirion Dryad at least for decks that used to play that card. I really don't see why it would mesh well with merfolk in general.
Also please consider the saying that "a modern deck needs to be able to - even if very rarely - goldfish turn 3 wins, or have interaction*". Right now interaction against graveyard decks is a MUST, its ok if you can devote enough sideboard space, but its much better if you have something mainboard like Scavenging Ooze . And you must have answers for creatures, modern is a creature centric format, and without that you can easily be prey to a LOT of decks.
*By interaction i mean doing anything that screws up their strategy, it doesn't matter if you Fatal Push Goblin Electromancer against storm, or you simply name blue/red with Iona, Shield of Emeria , both are interactions enough.
February 4, 2019 6:34 p.m.