Skred Deck help and discussion
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on June 23, 2019, 7:48 p.m. by Scornful_Egotist
Wanted to get some input on my take of Skred, what is working for you guys and maybe discuss recent cards and how well they worked.
Scornful_Egotist says... #3
lukas96 Firstly, thanks for the response! For the lands I feel 19 Mountains is the least you could run before hurting yourself, besides they go red after Blood Moon drops. Abrade I want 2 of going forward. Magma Jet I agree is preference and I want to play around with both of these options going forward. I do agree Artisan is worst Chandra most of the time, her ability is still strong and threats for big damage if not answered. Plus with Meddling Mage being popular having a alternate turn 4 Chandra might save us in a pinch. Lastly, SSG is a weird card that I want in the main but seeing some recent lists with it on the side makes me think its best including against unfair decks to apply an early threat faster to match their speed. Otherwise Ricochet saved me one game by swerving a Dovin's Veto which might be relevant, dragon-claw against burn which I know is less frequent, but with a LGS might be more common seeing these cheaper decks about so hence the inclusion.
June 23, 2019 8:37 p.m.
I play a sub-metalcraft theme with Kuldotha Phoenix that plays really nicely with Relic of Progenitus , Mind Stone and Pyrite Spellbomb and Mishra's Bauble ... the extra "draw" in red is really nice and the recurring 4 damage in the air is pretty fun/unique to put pressure on but Glorybringer / Stormbreath Dragon are also really good.
June 23, 2019 11 p.m.
The NEW card I'd wanna try out would be Chandra, Acolyte of Flame to toss in with Chandra, Torch of Defiance .
June 24, 2019 6:10 a.m.
Acolyte of flame seems sweet for sure.
I wouldn't be afraid of meddling mage to be honest. The deck has tons of removal and that shouldn't be a problem.
Depending how popular burn is in your meta I would cut dragons. Claws. It's a very narrow card and the MU is pretty horrible anyways. The same is basically true for ssg. It surely helps in some MUs but it's usually not worth it. If there are a lot of decks where you Board in ssgor even dragons claw then I doupt that Skred is a good choice for that meta
June 24, 2019 6:29 a.m.
Scornful_Egotist says... #7
Icbrgr: I think metal-craft/artifact Skred is interesting with New Karn, Scion of Urza , I might want to try it out if we get more options going forward.
lukas96: What do you think then of Chandra? I feel if anything she can be removed for new Chandra, Awakened Inferno when she's released as a solid one of, despite the cost might be good for slower metas.
The sideboard I can also see cleaning out Dragon's Claw , what would you put in? SSG seems very good for exploding on slower opponents, and meeting matches against unfair decks, Its solid all around so I can't see dropping him.
June 24, 2019 5:49 p.m.
Feel like Seasoned Pyromancer could give this deck some legs. I saw a build recently that went lighter on creatures with a 3/3 split Seasoned Peezy/ Stormbreath Dragon
June 24, 2019 11:27 p.m.
I dont know what our meta looks like so I can unfortunalty not really give good advice on this
lukas96 says... #2
That's my latest Skred build. Forget about the Sideboard, that's not what im playing atm but I don't have access to my list right now to update it.
I haven't added any new cards to the list recently.I don't like to play 3 colorless lands and I want to keep 2 Scrying Sheets.
I think Abrade is better than Magma Jet for the deck. The additional damage is pretty inportsnt and the maindeck artifact hate can come in handy as well. I see why some one might prefer jet though.
I'm not a fan of the new Chandra in Skred to be honest. She doesn't impact the board at all which is tough for 4 mana. Now admittedly Koth doesn't do a great job at that either but he's by far the better win con.
I'm curious about the inclusion of ssg, ricochet trap and dragons claw. I wouldn't play those in my sideboard, what's your thought process with these?
June 23, 2019 8:23 p.m.