Some Questions About Tron
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 28, 2020, 2:23 p.m. by car
I had some questions about card choices. The first is relic vs graffdiggers. The second is ostone vs all is dust. The third is do you mainboard little karn or keep it out of the deck entirely. Lastly, im running rg tron, do i cut a pyro for a third ostone or a first all is dust? Thank You!!!
thank u. the main advantage to all is dust is that it can be played t3 and it can activate sanctum.
January 29, 2020 8:20 a.m.
Relic of Progenitus vs. Grafdigger's Cage: Grafdigger's cage blocks more things but is vulnerable to being removed itself. If you are running Karn, the Great Creator Relic also has an upside in that you can activate a Relic and then search it out of exile and replay it.
Oblivion Stone vs. All Is Dust: In my Mono Green Tron deck I usually I play a 3-1 split in favor of O. Stone. If the opponent has Blood Moon or Damping Sphere but isn't applying enough pressure than playing Oblivion Stone on Turn 4 and activating it on Turn 5 can get you back in the game. And in some games a board wipe on Turn 3 will save you where a wipe on Turn 4 will not.
Karn, the Great Creator: Right now I'm off of Karn G.C. in the maindeck of Mono Green Tron. If I were to run Karn G.C. again I would be running 3 in the main unless there was a compelling combo to shoot for. The sideboard cards are powerful but without a silver bullet like Relic or Sorcerous Spyglass playing Karn on 3 rarely impacts the board and if you've assembled Turn Three Tron your hand is probably not empty enough to make Ensnaring Bridge effective.
I have no experience with RG Tron so I can't really offer advice about what to cut Pyroclasm for.
January 29, 2020 5:52 p.m.
ok thank u. I find that often t3 karn gc can stop titan storm or death's shadow with bridge/trinisphere. It can also search for an ostone which can be activated the next turn or for ballista which can finish games.
Daveslab2022 says... #2
Both of these questions are really just preferences. People play Relic because it draws them a card, while getting rid of the grave (temporarily), while Cage completely hoses the graveyard- but it is effectively useless if they have removal for it.
All is Dust is inherently weaker than Oblivion Stone simply due to the instant speed at which you can activate Stone’s ability.
January 28, 2020 9:25 p.m.