Suggestions for Midrange Goblins?

Modern Deck Help forum

Posted on May 3, 2019, 4:55 p.m. by clayperce

Hi all!

I've been messing around with a Midrange Goblins brew, feat. Vivien's Arkbow and Bow of Nylea :


Modern clayperce


Any suggestions, before I start playtesting next week?

Thanks in advance!

PlatinumOne says... #2

thats not even really midrange. you have no removal. goblins are usually aggro decks. trying to make a midrange deck while limiting yourself to goblins is just gonna make your deck look like a worse version of jund.

May 3, 2019 6:11 p.m.

clayperce says... #3

| thats not even really midrange.

Maybe so, but with an Ave CMC like this, I don't know what else to call it.

| you have no removal.

Decks have 75 cards, mate.

| goblins are usually aggro decks.

Really?!? I had no idea!?! /S

| trying to make a midrange deck while limiting yourself to goblins is just gonna make your deck look like a worse version of jund.

Yeah, maybe so. But seeing as how Jund hasn't put up competitive results in months, that's really not saying much :-D

May 3, 2019 6:36 p.m.

PlatinumOne says... #4

"decks have 75 cards mate"

irrelevant to my statement that you have no removal. perhaps you meant to say "there is removal in my sideboard", but even that isn't "entirely" accurate. your "removal" in the sideboard is extremely limited.

"seeing as how jund hasn't put up competitive results in months, thats not saying much"

actually, making a weaker version of a deck that hasn't put up results says quite a lot.

May 3, 2019 7:07 p.m.

clayperce says... #5

So your point is 'Hey, you probably need more removal'?

That's probably valid, and--seriously--thank you.


I'm still not sure on your point about Jund though, tbh. Maybe I should have been more clear in the original post or deck description though ... I'm not looking for the best possible mid-range deck here ... if I was, I'd just copy a stock Jund or Rock list, and start saving up an additional $1000 or so for all the pieces I don't yet have. And I'm not even hoping to build a truly competitive deck here (for that, I have Dredge). I'm really just looking to take an existing Ponza list (that happens to run Goblin Rabblemaster and Legion Warboss ) and see if going all-in on Goblins makes it any better. If you have any suggestions for that deck, thanks in advance. If you do not, no worries.

May 3, 2019 8:36 p.m.

Xica says... #7

This is a big fat aggro deck, it looks like ponza top end without the land denial package. (but it goes wide instead of tall)

You miss out on the best goblins:
- Sensation Gorger - is basically a dark confidant in the right deck
- Goblin Chainwhirler - is AWESOME - yes it kills tokens. More importantly its a 3/3 with FIRST STRIKE for 3 mana. If you have lord(s) out it basically kills anything without risk to itself. And due to the fact that you can Lightning Bolt after first strike damage is dealt, it can extend the utility of burn spell as removal, taking down even titans or wurmcoil engine and the like, without taking a single point of damage.

Goblins are probably the tribe that has the strongest non-creature support cards, cards like Goblin Grenade , Warren Weirding , or the not explicitly worded, but still very relevant The Flame of Keld

If i were in your place i would try to build red goblins with a light black splash for Warren Weirding & sidebaord + disruption - and try to figure out a way to reliably have a 4+ power to get the discount on Bolt Bend (be it by utilizing lords, or some other route)

May 4, 2019 2:19 p.m.

Eledain says... #8

If your lucky you will get some awesome additions with Modern Horizons. :-)

Just have a look at the Legacy Goblin deck, maybe this can give you some input.

May 4, 2019 3:36 p.m.

clayperce says... #9

Goblin Chainwhirler would be great, but the deck needs to cast a Gobbo on T2, and RRR is really tough on T2 (there's only a 38% chance). It may be worth it (especially if the London Mulligan sticks) but I'm quite hesitant. I will def' give a hard look at all the others though; thanks much!

May 4, 2019 3:45 p.m.

clayperce says... #10

Yeah, Legacy Goblins is actually where I got the idea for both Krenko, Mob Boss and Siege-Gang Commander ... but I hadn't even thought about the possibility of reprints in MH1!


May 4, 2019 3:53 p.m.

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