To Spellbreaker or Not to Spellbreaker?
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on June 25, 2019, 8:58 p.m. by VaultSkirge
I’ve seen the new walker Wrenn and Six and have had people at my LGS telling me I should play it. The +1 seems to be able to guarantee getting lands on curve with 1 fetch, and the -1 to ping seems good as well, but the ult is slightly underwhelming in a deck with only 11 instants. I’m still running 3 copies currently because there aren’t any walkers that are currently better than it in Naya. Then again, I could just replace it with a fourth Spellbreaker, Smiter, and Voice. Any thoughts? Here’s my decklist for reference:
lagotripha says... #3
The question isn't really about the cards- both options are pretty good. Wrenn is amazing against decks with 1 toughness creatures, and a decent value engine, spellbreaker/smiter/voice are higher on the curve but also more aggressive.
If you are facing matchups where other decks would side in staticaster (except for as an empty the warrens answer), you should run wrenn. If you keep finding yourself as the control list rather than the beatdown list, it has some value. If you are just racing your opponent, its not amazing.
For my metagame I wouldn't feel comfortable running your deck without maindeck graveyard hate and more pridemages- but thats because my meta is full of unfair decks.
Look at your competition and build to that. For tournament/online meta, hit a stats site and look at the matchups. Its also why you should list your sideboard- it helps give us an idea what you are expecting to see, and we can help you better prepare for that.
If your meta is plagued by 2T creatures, grim lavamancer might just be more valuable in the slot. If you are facing solemnity/nausiem a lot, more pridemages and knight of autumn in the smiter slot. If you are facing lots of discard/lili, more smiters. Its all context-dependant.
Boza says... #2
Well, I think in your deck any 3 mana domri would be better than WN6. WN6 has a certain new card smell, but it is not particularly good.
June 26, 2019 3:48 a.m.