To splash or not to splash
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 5, 2018, 1:04 a.m. by ToolmasterOfBrainerd
I've been messing around with Die Pigs ($350 budget midrange) for a bit now. It's very effective against creature decks, but it has some pretty hefty flaws.
The Control matchup is pretty terrible because counterspells are very effective against this deck. Also planeswalkers (Liliana of the Veil, in particular) are very hard to deal with.
Storm, Infect, Burn, and KCI are also problematic.
Is it worth splashing into another color to try to fix some of these issues? If so, which color? I have no budget cares for a 3 color version.
Black is the most likely option at a glance, because Dreadbore is good for planeswalkers and Thoughtseize is great for control and combo matchups.
Blue offers Serum Visions and Snapcaster Mage and Supreme Verdict. Counterspells are not really playable in this sorcery-speed deck. I don't see how blue could fix my problems.
Green offers.... yeah I'm drawing a blank here. Tarmogoyf? Sylvan Caryatid? I don't want to change this to Kiki-Chord.
Is it worth splashing another color? Or should I just try to keep it RW and tune the mainboard and sideboard with more hate cards? How should I approach the combo and control matchups? Combo I can hate on, but I have no idea how to beat control with this deck.
Never splash because manabases are super expensive. You would never make your budget and have a consitent deck if you splash.
1/ I would cut the resto/kiki combo. With so few creatures, there are literally 0 uses for those cards outside of the combo, making their addition bad. That is 6 cards.
2/ How are the 8 WoGs going for you? Do you ever feel like you need a second one even? I would cut one of each Doj and Wog. 8 cards cut.
3/ Mainboard I would add 1 more blood moon, 1 more nahiri and 1 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, in addition to 2 Oblivion Ring or 2 Ajani Vengeant to deal with non-creature permanents or planeswalkers, repsectively.
4/ For the sb, definitely get rid of all the creatures. Put in 3-4 RIP and if you want to be spicy, 3-4 Isochron Scepter to deal with control in a cool manner - just stick a burn spell underneath and chip away.
September 5, 2018 4:06 a.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #4
I played a deck like this for a while last year. The biggest issue I found was trying to find the combo pieces. (I ran 4 Kiki 4 Angel) I ran 4x Secure the Wastes to add a bit more middle game interaction. Mirror Breaker Angel Moon
If counters are your issue, run Guttural Response. There are plenty of SB options for Lilly like Nevermore or Pithing Needle or Sorcerous Spyglass. You could also run the R/W Manland. She can't interact with it and it can pound away at her health. I see you already have Stony Silence & Path to Exile which should help against KCI but so should Rest in Peace, RIP will also help in the Storm match up. I personally feel like you're tech'd fairly good against Infect but a few Spellskite in the 75 would make a lot of sense, protect your combo, Infect can't pump itself. Ethersworn Canonist or Rule of Law are all the Storm hate you need.
I vote no as far as splashing is concerned. You just need to tweak your list some.
September 5, 2018 10:38 a.m.
Squirrelbacon says... #5
Just gonna bring this up to make sure you know it, Rugged Prairie + Damping Sphere = ... since if you use it to filter like you want to it technically creates 2 colored mana. Just a cause for concern.
The other option that you have for the list (since you have so much life gain) is running 3-4 Eidolon of the Great Revel. A lot of decks are hurt by it since it is so taxing on life. I think that either Eidolon or Canonist should be present in the SB.
I would also take out the Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breakers and shift them for Baneslayer Angel. Kiki can't block, and can be bolted, Baneslayer Angel is at best a 6/6 first striking/lifelinker/flier with extra upside after... that sounds better than an optional infinite resto's and makes the mana base slightly more consistent (no more !)
Also agree with above that Pithing Needle or Sorcerous Spyglass would be good for the deck in the side! I'd cut 1 Stony Silence and the 2 Boil. I know counterspells are an issue for you, but Blood Moon is better than boil since most lands are non-basic.
September 6, 2018 9:06 a.m.
Squirrelbacon says... #6
After looking at the deck again and reading my comment after post, Blood Moon makes triple red a lot easier doesn't it?
In that case, leave the combo intact, but still take out the Boils and 1 Stony Silence for some combination of Sorcerous Spyglass, Pithing Needle or Baneslayer Angel instead.
Best of luck and have fun!
September 6, 2018 9:09 a.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #8
Thanks everyone for the advice. I've settled on not splashing. I've removed all the creatures from the sideboard, added the man land and Oblivion ring to the main, and have made other tweaks per the advice here. I'm still not settled on the sideboard, but really like sorcerous spyglass - it's a really clean answer to Planeswalkers and man lands. Counterspells are still an issue, but probably a manageable issue.
WizardOfTheNorthernCoast says... #2
I wouldn't splash, no. Or maybe blue for Snapcaster Mageing your burn spells but it's not necessary to me since you have the combo.
First, I'd remove 2-3 Clifftop Retreat and put in Sacred Foundrys instead (price drop incoming with the reprints). An opening hand with 2 or 3 Retreat is awful since them all come in tapped. Against any aggro deck, you're dead. And mulligan feelsbadman.
Second, if Burn and Storm are problematic, run Leyline of Sanctity. It isn't an auto win but it really helps you. Run Deflecting Palm or Solemnity if infect is a big deal in your meta!
Concerning KCI, it can deal with anything ultimately so just wait for the ban hammer. It's just a hard time to but everything will be fine :)
Third, wtf is with the sideboard? I'm really curious about what motivated your choices here:
Why 4 Thalia? You run 24 non-creature cards mainboard, you don't want to see her at all, even on your oppnent's board, so why play her yourself?
Why 4 Rabblemaster? Unless you can drop him T2 in the control matchups ok but I don't see how your deck does it. Again, you run sweepers to avoid having to deal with too many creatures, just get rid of him.
Instead I would play Rest in Peace, leyline and palm. Maybe a one of Timely Reinforcements or Anger of the Gods for aggro startegies.
Just my 2 cents :)
September 5, 2018 3:36 a.m.