ug infect: kitchen finks vs wild defiance vs spellskite
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 15, 2019, 9:47 p.m. by Vman
hey so im having trouble with burn matchups, personally through the years ive ran Spellskite as a 2 of to play versus burn but some people say Wild Defiance is the tech they swear their life on. while some burn players personally said the last card they wanna see is a Kitchen Finks
Also does any1 think this is a match where i should board in Nissa, Voice of Zendikar ?
what are your thoughts on which is the best and at what number?
p.s i already run 2 kite main, and i have plenty of sideboards space =)
heres my current list incase anyone wonders Ug infect
As an Infect player, I like both vs burn. If burn is currently your biggest issue, side 2 Wild Defiance and keep both spellskites in. If you're still having issues look at more Dispel , Negate , Spell Pierce etc to side in, so your deck turns more from aggro to control. Personally I'm not a fan of Kitchen Finks , I've always felt it dilutes your wincons but that's up to you. I don't see any reason for nissa, if you want another 3-drop then finks would fit better.
A side note, consider switching Mutagenic Growth for more Apostle's Blessing . They are a lot more flexible and can help shove damage through. I know you don't run a lot of fetches but a mainboard Dryad Arbor is good as an emergency chump block, or to respond to a -2 from Liliana of the Veil
January 16, 2019 4:09 p.m.
thanks guys =) ive come to playing 2x defiance in sb along with a few more counterspells, and will keep in kites =) hopefully this will improve the matchup a bit =)
clayperce says... #2
I'm a big fan of Wild Defiance when Bolt is popular, and as I type this it's the most played spell in Modern. S'kite is better IMO when Push and Path are more popular. Please take that with some healthy skepticism though, as I haven't sleeved up Infect in about a year :-/
I've never played Finks in Infect, but the card's very good (though Skullcrack is a serious bummer). And though Nissa VOZ is fine (in Ponza, anyways), I'd never bring her in for Burn.
If you haven't already done so, you might also ask over on r/Infect.
Draw well!
January 15, 2019 11:44 p.m. Edited.