UWR Delver deck help

Modern Deck Help forum

Posted on June 18, 2015, 7:20 a.m. by Stevomat24


This is my first try with red.

So far I always played UW, more controlish at first and then more and more Tempo oriented.
As it turns out adding red is inevitable for the Tempo build. I built this list with the UW cards I own and added the red stuff I like, that seems to be good.

Could someone with experience in RUW tell me if the mana base is okay? Also, what do you think about the cards in the Maybeboard? And what do you think about Valorous Stance in there? Since I have lots of removal, I could use Emerge Unscathed instead. I just want something to protect my creatures (Geist) and push Geist through blockers.


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