Ways for affinity to improve the match post board vs zoo

Modern Deck Help forum

Posted on June 18, 2015, 5:07 p.m. by tyforthevenom

so i went to a PPTQ the other day i went 2-1 vs grixis twin then 2-0 against grixis something that died too fast for me to find out then i went 0-1+1 gameloss against abzan (i had an unsleeved card in my box that wasn't part of the deck = gameloss) then 0-2 against burn.... then finally i went up against Zoo.... i won 2-0 but there was so much hate in the deck naturally that even i was surprised i won...

how can i improve my zoo matchup without overly watering my sideboard down vs other matchups?

KillDatBUG says... #2


June 18, 2015 5:12 p.m.

tyforthevenom says... #3

still up in the air but along the lines of Frank Karsten's List posted on channelfireball

June 18, 2015 5:25 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #4

Dispatch and Path to Exile are probably Affinity's best pure removal, though they may not be too great against a swarm-happy deck like Zoo. Galvanic Blast as well, though usually Tarmogoyfs will be out of Blast range and you may want it more to burn your opponent.

Zoo, as a deck, has access to Ancient Grudge, Destructive Revelry, and Stony Silence, all very good against Affinity. I don't know Zoo very well, but since they're primarily an aggro deck, I doubt they'll usually pack Creeping Corrosion or Shatterstorm.

Thoughtseize, Duress, and Inquisition of Kozilek are good out of the side to take out your opponent's hate cards before they can be cast. Similarly, a well-timed Spell Pierce can be backbreaking as well. Blood Moon also likes to wreak some havoc on their manabase somewhat, depending on their number of basics.

June 18, 2015 5:32 p.m.

tyforthevenom says... #5

right now they often run Kataki, War's Wage and Qasali Pridemage coz of Collected Company

June 18, 2015 5:39 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #6

Path to Exile, Dispatch, Galvanic Blast, Thoughtseize, and Inquisition of Kozilek can deal with Kataki, War's Wage.

Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek can deal with Qasali Pridemage. Path to Exile, Dispatch, and Galvanic Blast can deal with it if its dropped down and your opponent has no mana, for some reason.

Thoughtseize, Duress, and Spell Pierce can deal with Collected Company.

And of course, Blood Moon shenanigans.

June 18, 2015 5:47 p.m.

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