Will it obliterate or be obliterated?

Modern Deck Help forum

Posted on March 28, 2019, 3:34 p.m. by blakesmach1

Hey guys this is my first modern deck build outside casual play around the kitchen table that I plan to take and try to be competitive at a FNM. My first concern with the deck is is it too creature heavy and in need of more removal? My game plan was straight forward overrun with removal to clear a path if they did have answers for my creatures. In my game plan I thought Phyrexian obliterator would put them on a clock or be a win condition with a killing wave. I know there are better cards I could play but as far as budget and what was available this was the best deck I could come up with or is it? Would love any comments on how to improve slight changes and if it will actually be competitive enough to take on a Friday night! Thanks guys!

Relentless Obliterator

Caerwyn says... #2

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March 28, 2019 4:12 p.m.

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