Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 13, 2018, 2:57 p.m. by Segala
Hi. It's my second time trying modern and I wanted to know if zombies are a good option for LGS level. And what color other than black should be involved if any.
DragonKing90 says... #3
at just the fnm level, zombies should be fine if its a semi-casual environment. some LGS's are more competitive than others so it really just depends what you think you might be playing against. for zombies, blue is the best secondary color, and imo white after that if you decide to add a 3rd. but the biggest factor will be familiarity with the other types of decks you know people will be playing there, because you need to be able to make metagame choices so you can run cards that will counter the other players. as for the combo/prison/storm that APPLE01DOJ mentioned, just run some discard and counterspells.
September 13, 2018 10:47 p.m.
thetanman91 says... #4
Zombies has to be my favorite tribal, and I will say that it is an underpowered tribe to play in the modern format, especially if youre not putting the money down for cards like Aether Vial, or Collected Company if you are running Green. With that being said, I will also say that the tribe is still playable depending on your lgs's fnm environment. AS a zombie player, you have to be smart about when to attack, when to summon what, when to remove a threat in favor of dealing with another threat, you get the gist. Zombies are slow, so being strategic in your plays is important, but I will say that this deck list:
B/G Zombronies
Was able to beat Jund midrange and even storm, so it is entirely possible to do well with the deck knowing how to play the deck inside and out.
September 14, 2018 11:18 a.m.
Green is a good splash colour for something like Collected Company, and a few ways of stuffing your graveyard. Blue has Diregraf Captain (add a sac outlet... and watch fun happen with your Gravecrawlers.
Lands get a lot more expensive when more colours are involved.
September 15, 2018 10:24 a.m.
As someone who put together a modern zombies list, I'd say it's a bit of a meta call. By that I mean in a vacuum it may not be the "best" option, especially not against fast combo (although that could be mitigated by maindeck discard and/or splashing white for Tidehollow Sculler) or unfair aggro decks like bridgevine. But I play it as a fun and original choice that just so happens to be a sweet foil to all of the attrition-style decks played at my FNM. The selling point of Zombies is that they are recursive, so they play out like slower merfolk, but also have enough card advantage to keep up with any UWx control deck, any GBx midrange deck, Grixis Death's Shadow, Mardu Pyromancer, the list goes on. Notice the comparison to merfolk, as I feel the best build of zombies looks quite a lot like thetanman91's list, but includes lands that almost always come in untapped (fetch, shock, fastlands, basics), and also mutavault and aether vial to provide the aggressive pressuring stance any creature deck in modern should provide. My personal color splash choice is green, which is for maindeck Lotleth Troll and sideboard abrupt decay/maelstrom pulse, though blue and white each have their merits. The coolest thing about the deck is that you can tune the numbers of your specific zombies to face the kinds of decks you expect to see-add more lords (especially Death Baron) if your meta is heavy on humans, CoCo, or other creature decks; add more value zombies like Relentless Dead or Cryptbreaker if you expect midrange; add interactive zombies if you expect combo, like the aforementioned Tidehollow Sculler or my personal favorite, a few copies of collective brutality, which synergizes quite well with Dread Wanderer and Gravecrawler. And that isn't even covering the untapped potential of the new cards like Assassin's Trophy when they come out!
The most important thing to remember-never write a deck or archetype off as unplayable in modern, there are always ways to make decks viable. Such is the fun of a wide open format.
APPLE01DOJ says... #2
Im going to be honest. Zombies are not very well positioned in modern right now. Fair decks as a whole are in a bad position. There is too much Combo/Prison/Storm running around.
I would suggest a budget 8rack or burn deck to be honest.
Control is completely viable but does require a bit of experience to do well with.
September 13, 2018 3:04 p.m.