5 Color
Modern forum
Posted on Dec. 18, 2014, 2:26 p.m. by kameenook
Any ideas for a 5 color deck in modern? Just looking for the best reasons to play 5 color. It seems to usually boil down to a 4 color control list, because green doesn't have the most to offer.
Black: Thoughtseize/Inquisition of Kozilek/Liliana of the Veil/Dark Confidant
Blue: Serum Visions/Remand/Mana Leak/Spell Snare/Snapcaster Mage + the list could go on with good spells with only 1-2 U in them
Red: Lightning Bolt + almost all bolt replicas
White: Path to Exile
Green: ?
Multicolor: Abrupt Decay/Lightning Helix/Supreme Verdict/Blightning/Abzan Charm/Sultai Charm/Mardu Charm/Jeskai Charm/Temur Charm/Azorius Charm/Sphinx's Revelation/Terminate/Siege Rhino
Lands: Mana Confluence/City of Brass/Reflecting Pool/Ancient Ziggurat/Pillar of the Paruns/Forbidden Orchard + all the vivid lands
Note 5 color decks are bad against Blood Moon
Any suggestions are welcome, other possibilities include 5 color aggro.
Tarmogoyf. A 2-mana 5/6 (instant, sorcery, creature, land, planes walker). That's a worthy wincon.
December 18, 2014 3:21 p.m.
UrbanAnathema says... #5
Green is also the great enabler. Usually giving you a cheap means to ramp and enable other colors Birds of Paradise Sylvan Caryatid Noble Hierarch Axebane Guardian etc.
The Source Wall Playtest
SCORE: 276 | 22 COMMENTS | 36208 VIEWSDecember 18, 2014 3:57 p.m.
notamardybum says... #6
modern battle of wits? play all the cards... no seriously play all the cards
December 18, 2014 4:19 p.m.
I do like Tarmogoyf, Sylvan Caryatid is the only one that really pops out at me from the green rampers. Beast Within is probably not the greatest card in a deck that will already be running a painful mana base, giving the opponent a 3/3 beast might prove much too precarious.
December 18, 2014 10:36 p.m.
Noble hierarch? Scavenging ooze? Birds of paradise? Tarmogoyf? Primeval titan? Oracle of del muya? Rancor? Green is awesome!
December 19, 2014 3:33 a.m.
UrbanAnathema says... #9
Yes. Primeval Titan is a beast. Also, Birds of Paradise is one of the best creatures ever printed.
Either way, in a five color deck the real point of Green is to smooth out your manabase and to ramp to your other threats. It is the glue that usually holds a five color deck together.
December 19, 2014 10:18 a.m.
Hickorysbane says... #10
You definitely wanna have a lot of painless fixing via green or else Delver decks running around are gonna tear you a new one. From what I understand that's an issue Jund is having in Modern right now.
Julius_Mufasa says... #2
Green: Beast Within
December 18, 2014 2:53 p.m.