Modern MTG Forum
Discussion: Most power per buck (Closed)
Whats the current decks to fear? (Closed)
New Infinite Combo For Modern (Closed)
Best Budget Modern Decks (Closed)
OGW changes to Tron? (Closed)
Is Bx Eldrazi a good deck? (Closed)
Bañ incoming for Amulet Bloom? (Closed)
What New Decktype Should I Try? (Closed)
Free-For-All Modern Decks (Closed)
What Ever Happened To Faeries? (Closed)
What if [[Daze]] was modern legal? (Closed)
Creature Combos in modern (Closed)
Survival of GR Tron (Closed)
Molten Vortex vs Seismic Assault (Closed)
Valorous Stance: Modern Playable? (Closed)
Crucible of Worlds (Closed)
Cheating creatures out in Modern. (Closed)
Phyrexian Revoker vs. Twin (Closed)
[[Stoneforge Mystic]] Unbanning? (Closed)
Rest in Peace & Eldrazi Processors? (Closed)
Shapeshifter/Clones Modern format (Closed)
What would you do... (Closed)
Back when Modern had... (Closed)
Finding a new deck (Closed)
[[dreadship reef]] (Closed)
So, Ajanis? (Closed)
Modern Viable BFZ Cards (Closed)
Thornbow Archer vs Mardu Skullhunter (Closed)
Pauper Modern (Closed)
could this work? (Closed)
Patrick Chapin Article on SCG (Closed)
Kozilek's Return in Tron (Closed)
So [[Seance]]? (Closed)
Akroma VS Steel Wind??? (Closed)
Still learning elves (Closed)
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