Modern MTG Forum
Risk level of Tron (Closed)
Guerilla Tactics (Closed)
Prowess deck putting up results! (Closed)
What Deck Should I Play (Closed)
Gifts ungiven list (Closed)
[[Dromoka's Command]] (Closed)
Show me your Kiki Chord lists! (Closed)
Best Green Creature in Modern (Closed)
Glittering Wish (Closed)
[[Karma]] and other cards VS BGx? (Closed)
So what if Wizards fell on its head? (Closed)
Your T5 1-Drops? (Closed)
Eldrazi are wicked man... (Closed)
Modern Metagame State Tournament (Closed)
Land based control possible? (Closed)
So here it comes: (Closed)
How good is the Knightfall combo? (Closed)
Going into a modern tournament blind (Closed)
Why No Pack Rat? (Closed)
Sanctum of ugin (Closed)
Brutal Expulsion could be amazing (Closed)
Why is RG Tron so good against BGx? (Closed)
Overlooked Modern Cards? (Closed)
Is it bad, or am I missing something (Closed)
What Grixis deck should I build? (Closed)
[[conduit of ruin]] in R/G tron (Closed)
Modern Affinity Questions (Closed)
Tarmogoyf vs Axebane Stag (Closed)
Unusual elf colors (Closed)
A Case for Jace (Closed)
Bloom Titan: good investment? (Closed)
Is Grixis Twin worth investing in? (Closed)
[[Stoneforge Mystic]] in Modern. (Closed)
[[butterblossom]] in lantern control (Closed)
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