Modern MTG Forum
Which one is better? (Closed)
G/B Tron = viable? (Closed)
Anything good in Dimir? (Closed)
If you hate combo, take a look! (Closed)
My opinion on Combo decks (Closed)
Modern on MTGO question. (Closed)
[[bitterblossom]] in an aggro deck. (Closed)
Nacatl Burn on the Rise? (Closed)
[[hangarback walker]] in R/G tron (Closed)
Developing Competitive Mill (Closed)
[[rally-the-ancestors]] in Modern? (Closed)
Choke vs boil (Closed)
Oblivion Sower in Tron Sideboards? (Closed)
Is Dash hopes viable in modern meta? (Closed)
Jund Mages: To Bob or not to Bob? (Closed)
What should I do with 4 Tarmogoyfs?? (Closed)
U or GR Tron in Current Meta? (Closed)
Why Olivia Voldaren? (Closed)
[[Molten Vortex]] in Modern? (Closed)
Modern Sideboards (Closed)
Manaless dredge? (Closed)
What do you all think about... (Closed)
Tragic Slip = Awesome Budget Card (Closed)
Goblins Could be a Contender? (Closed)
Blood Moon in Naya Burn? (Closed)
To Play Gr Tron or Amulet Bloom? (Closed)
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