Modern MTG Forum
How viable can CoCo be right now? (Closed)
Deck Question (Closed)
Modern Podcasts? (Closed)
Thoughts on Jeskai Border Patrol? (Closed)
Jeskai delver viable? (Closed)
New Errata on Verdant Catacombs (Closed)
Accumulated knowledge?? (Closed)
Deflecting Palm (Closed)
New Sideboard Hate for Twin? (Closed)
8/9th edition ban? (Closed)
Viable Removal in W/G? (Closed)
What decks are popular in Modern? (Closed)
Blue Urza Tron (Closed)
Ashiok in modern (Closed)
Heroic in modern (Closed)
Ugin on the banned list in modern (Closed)
Format legality help (Closed)
Choices, choices... (Closed)
I need this card... back in my deck (Closed)
So the scg's are looking good so far (Closed)
Questions about CoCo Elves (Closed)
Hypothetical: Restricted Cards (Closed)
What happened while I was gone? (Closed)
Dilemma about modern (Closed)
looking for a new modern deck. (Closed)
Why do people run so many fetches? (Closed)
Angels in Modern (I'm new) (Closed)
Once again it's PPTQ time (Closed)
Frank Karsten Metagame breakdown (Closed)
Anticipate in Modern (Closed)
New to Modern: Help with Izzet Burn (Closed)
Budget Deck ideas?? PLEASE HELP (Closed)
Abzan players, enlighten me! (Closed)
Krenko & Alarm Combo? (Closed)
Attention Jund Players. (Closed)
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