Modern MTG Forum
Modern for $500-600 (Closed)
Dark Confidant in 8-Rack (Closed)
How to beat burn? (Closed)
Orchard Alarm Viability (Closed)
Should I invest in Bob's? (Closed)
Jund Is Control (Closed)
4 mana [[card:Bitterblossom]] (Closed)
Warriors of Modern. (Closed)
Wort, the Raidmother (Closed)
Something other than Abzan or Twin ? (Closed)
g/r tron (Closed)
Could it work? (Closed)
Side boarding against infect (Closed)
The lack of Modern control (Closed)
I think I'm annoying her (Closed)
Insight into Modern design (Closed)
Which to Play (Closed)
Validity of bogles? (Closed)
Im thinking about playing UTron (Closed)
which modern deck should i play? (Closed)
Modern Budget Ideas (Closed)
Slivers in Top 8?!?! (Closed)
Best Modern Deck for Under $700 (Closed)
No Bitterblossom... (Closed)
Opinions on DuskCrank (Closed)
Best ramp spells in modern? (Closed)
Geralfs Messenger, why not? (Closed)
Freakin bloodbraid company..... (Closed)
Fun Deck (Closed)
How is Burn doing so well? (Closed)
GR tron question (Closed)
135 Modern Archetypes and Counting! (Closed)
[[slippery bogle]] (Closed)
Opinions on Grim Lavamancer (Closed)
an opposite doran? (Closed)
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