Modern MTG Forum
[[Llanowar Reborn]] in Infect? (Closed)
Jace in modern? (Closed)
What wrecks control decks? (Closed)
modern masters 2015 sealed drafts (Closed)
[[Anticipate]] in UR Twin? (Closed)
Modern for Under $400 (Closed)
The Age Old Discusson (Closed)
Soul Sisters players (Closed)
Burn vs Affinity (Closed)
Exalted in Modern (Closed)
Best Delver Deck? (Closed)
Which is the best control spell? (Closed)
Reanimator (Closed)
What to play? (tournament meta) (Closed)
Swan Song (Closed)
[[Browbeat]] in Burn (Closed)
Will the pod meta return? (Closed)
How about Tron? (Closed)
Enchanting Modern (Closed)
5 colour burn (Closed)
Deck ideas? (Closed)
Colour Splashing for Tron (Closed)
Is Rune snag modern playable? (Closed)
Good Ol' Bob (Closed)
Modern Land Destruction (Closed)
resto rhino? (Closed)
Finding a Home for Party Jace. (Closed)
Lapse of Certainty Vs Remand (Closed)
Meta Knowledge Pool (Closed)
Glen Elendra? (Closed)
BUG control in modern (Closed)
Modern wheels (Closed)
Blue Moon (Closed)
jund or jund? (Closed)
Is it..... (Closed)
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