Modern MTG Forum
Collected Compnay Deck 11th SCG IQ (Closed)
Dromoka's Command in Abzan (Closed)
Simic* hexproof in modern? (Closed)
Vexing Devil in Modern (Closed)
Any cards for graveyard (Closed)
[[Living Lore]] in Cruel Control (Closed)
Defenders that can attack (Closed)
Hm the modern flash-hulk? (Closed)
Thinking bout making a rum deck (Closed)
Thoughts on Buget-y Modern (Closed)
Looking for a new Modern deck. (Closed)
Phyrexian Arena (Closed)
need some advice on my local meta (Closed)
Artifact removal (Closed)
Soulfire Grand Master (Closed)
Where CAN'T you put Tasigur? (Closed)
[[Crucible of Worlds]] (Closed)
Caw-Blade (Closed)
[[bridge from below]] in Living end? (Closed)
So, does anyone else feel me? (Closed)
The speed of Modern (Closed)
clarification question (Closed)
manifest or morph in modern? (Closed)
Deck idea (Closed)
I miss playing against Pod. (Closed)
Better in Burn Sideboard? (Closed)
Competitive? Or naw. (Closed)
Bloodsoaked champion in modern (Closed)
Monastery siege playablity in modern (Closed)
Reality Shift in Modern (Closed)
Pod unbanning? (Closed)
Treasured find (Closed)
need deck advice (Closed)
Why no [[Heartless Summoning]]? (Closed)
modern robots (Closed)
megrim deck (Closed)
I'm In Love (Closed)
Eidolon of the Great Revel? (Closed)
Squelch vs. Shadow of Doubt (Closed)
Anticipate, yay or nay (Closed)
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