Modern MTG Forum
Stormbreath Dragon: (Closed)
Some Thoughts Upon the Past Months (Closed)
Decline in twin (Closed)
White n black modern (Closed)
Melira Pod resurgence? (Closed)
[[trading post]] in U Tron (Closed)
Best dragon monsters for modern? (Closed)
[[Twin Bolt]] in Modern? (Closed)
Modern Deckbuilding Resources (Closed)
How does Esper beat Tron? (Closed)
Does Storm Want [[Zephyr Scribe]]? (Closed)
Assault Formation (Closed)
Secure the Wastes in Modern (Closed)
The Dragons descend on Modern (Closed)
What do you guys think of (Closed)
Twin or Infect? (Closed)
Modern Tribal? (Closed)
Can't find the list (Closed)
Anticipate (Closed)
Banefire in G/R tron? (Closed)
Dash hopes? (Closed)
Redirect in modern (Closed)
Snapcaster with lavamancer? (Closed)
"New" Deck Concept: Melira Company (Closed)
Sideboarding Twin (Closed)
Whats something wonky? (Closed)
Clone Legion (Closed)
Twin Vs Junk/Abzan (Closed)
Looking for a new deck idea (Closed)
New Card - Myth Realised (Closed)
Shorecrasher Elemental (Closed)
maga, traitor to mortals (Closed)
Goyf vs Rhino and Tasigur (Closed)
Sorry, Twin (Closed)
Silumgar's Scorn in Modern? (Closed)
I found myself in a huge debate (Closed)
1st world states problems. (Closed)
[[night's whisper]] in storm (Closed)
I've heard of a card (Closed)
Goblin Rabblemaster in Modern (Closed)
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