Modern MTG Forum
Eidolon of the great revel (Closed)
I seek modern control lists (Closed)
Infect Primer (Closed)
Top Decks and White Sideboard Tech (Closed)
Are there any good card draw cards (Closed)
Look at this beauty (Closed)
Isn't B/G dredge coming back? (Closed)
Snappy in u tron? (Closed)
Jeskai Ascendency combo? (Closed)
Anybody playing Gifts Ungiven? (Closed)
Is Griselcannon still viable? (Closed)
Burn Playstyle (Closed)
What kinds of Urzatron exist? (Closed)
Complex Bans in Modern? (Closed)
In the Name of Science (Closed)
any TRONNOISSEURS around? (Closed)
How to deal with Splinter Twin? (Closed)
RW vs. RWB Modern Burn (Closed)
Pyro Storm vs Twin (Closed)
Mishra's Bauble for BUG midrange? (Closed)
Is WotC killing modern? (Closed)
BW Tokens by Martin Juza (Closed)
Rise Of The Aristocrats!!! (Closed)
[[Extirpate]] in modern (Closed)
[[Teferi's Moat]]? Modern viable? (Closed)
Monastery Mentor (Closed)
Sideboards against bloom titan (Closed)
Humbe Twin (Closed)
How does your deck modernise modern? (Closed)
Modern Broke Again! (Closed)
So.... [[Painters servant]] (Closed)
Man have you guys noticed? (Closed)
Twin with Jace Architect of Thought? (Closed)
What is the Best Record Deck? (Closed)
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