Modern MTG Forum
Let's discuss Jund (Closed)
Podless Melira Pod? (Closed)
Modern Banlist Update - 1/19/15 (Closed)
[[nantuko monastery]] (Closed)
Teasure Coose is totes banned guis! (Closed)
Ban List Announcement? (Closed)
Modern Banned list (Closed)
Duress (Closed)
[[yisan, the wanderer bard]] in pod? (Closed)
Could Grixis Faeries be Viable? (Closed)
GP Omaha Top 8 (Closed)
Gifts Ungiven vs Scapeshift (Closed)
Jeskai Pyro Ascendancy (Closed)
Room for Reality Shift? (Closed)
Deciding on a modern control deck. (Closed)
Pod Value Creatures (Closed)
starting with modern (Closed)
Bloom Titan (Closed)
Wind Zendikon in Jeskai (Closed)
Budget Eggs? (Closed)
Possible new tron variation? (Closed)
W/B Super Dicard? (Closed)
Dryad Arbor (Closed)
Right deck to build? (Closed)
Is Bloom Titan viable? (Closed)
Will Treasure Cruise Be Banned? (Closed)
Invigorate in Modern (Closed)
Modern Broke Again, Part 3. (Closed)
Jeskai Tokens | Modern Worthy? (Closed)
Jeskai control resurgence? (Closed)
Red Deck Wins vs Burn (Closed)
Why is Zoo so Underpowered? (Closed)
That Modern Speculation: For FRF (Closed)
knight of the reliquary weak atm? (Closed)
Rogue Modern Deck Ideas (Closed)
comboing out of modern (Closed)
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