Modern MTG Forum
Abzan removal (Closed)
I haz Idea (Closed)
U, G or colorless "hoser" creatures (Closed)
Blood Moon hate for Grixis (Closed)
Top 8 Of Gp Milan (Closed)
Help with Metagaming? (Closed)
Is Modern Dead? (Closed)
5 Color (Closed)
Bant Bogles? (Closed)
affinity without springleaf drum? (Closed)
Blue Creature for Pod? (Closed)
GP Milan (Closed)
Titan Bloom as a first modern deck? (Closed)
Potentially powerful Modern cards? (Closed)
Spell Pierce vs Negate (Closed)
What to build, what to build... (Closed)
Bouncing - How effective is it? (Closed)
White Weenies (Closed)
Modern Mardu - Crackling Doom (Closed)
What Is Grixis Lacking? (Closed)
Need a sinister Modern deck (Closed)
RW Burn with off colour fetches (Closed)
Turn 1 infect win (Closed)
Oboro (Closed)
Stoke the Future (Closed)
Which Sword to use? (Closed)
How Charming (Closed)
Just for fun - Favorite Charms? Why? (Closed)
Consider this (Closed)
Additional fetches in decks (Closed)
Convince me not to build this deck. (Closed)
Modern Format Primer (Closed)
Modern: Unbanned Thoguht (Closed)
Budget sunstitutions (Closed)
Guys, modern broke again (Closed)
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