Modern MTG Forum
My Gift To The TO Community! (Closed)
lernz me [[scapeshift]] (Closed)
Affinity vs RG Tron (Closed)
Necrotic Without the Shell (Closed)
Green anit-burn spells (Closed)
soul sisters (Closed)
Mono-Black White Splash Suggestions (Closed)
Mono black (with zero colour splash) (Closed)
Playability of Luminarch Ascension. (Closed)
I wanna play modern... (Closed)
New archetype being played? (Closed)
[[sun titan]] (Closed)
U/B Delver?? (Closed)
What's a good Finisher for Gifts? (Closed)
Fatty Boom-Booms (Closed)
Quirky One-ofs (Closed)
[[Life's Legacy]]? (Closed)
Bombshell (Closed)
Poll: Which counterspells to play? (Closed)
Modern Madness @ FNM last night (Closed)
[[Crucible of Worlds]] Too slow? (Closed)
UTron Versus Affinity (Closed)
Getting into Modern (Closed)
Turn 1 [[blood moon]] (Closed)
Just beat Travis Woo on MTGO (Closed)
What are U/R Delver's bad match-ups? (Closed)
human tribal modern (Closed)
Why doesn't merfolk run Fetches? (Closed)
Modern And All Its Glory (Closed)
Help an Infecter out! (Closed)
Modern Aristocrats Primer (Closed)
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