Modern MTG Forum
Does this warrant Modern MishraUD? (Closed)
Junk Scepter (Closed)
new to modern, need advice (Closed)
Eldrazi in modern (Closed)
New o modern (Closed)
Casual Modern (Closed)
Grand Prix Boston... Top 8! (Closed)
Best Sac Engines For Pod (Closed)
B/r or B/g 8rack? (Closed)
profiting from all your lands dying (Closed)
Obliterator Rock (Closed)
How to deal with Iona (Closed)
Dealing With Living End (Closed)
Modern Noob. Help? (Closed)
Indestructible (Closed)
The best deck... For me :) (Closed)
Birthing pod deck lists? (Closed)
Weird Interaction, need some help (Closed)
Esper Control (Closed)
Resurgence of 8Rack? (Closed)
My Next Modern Deck! (Closed)
calling all modern WBR players! (Closed)
Your thoughts on modern archetypes? (Closed)
how to deal with blood moon (Closed)
Cheap Modern deck? (Closed)
Interesting Metagame Breakdown (Closed)
Rule of Law or Ethersworn Canonist? (Closed)
BUG control (Closed)
Midnight Guard in Twin? (Closed)
RB Tokens? (Closed)
[[phyrexian unlife]] (Closed)
reaper of the wilds in modern (Closed)
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