Modern MTG Forum
Brimaz in modern? (Closed)
Modern Bx (Closed)
Best Black Kill Spell? (Closed)
Choosing a Deck for modern (Closed)
dealing with snapcaster (Closed)
What exactly is Death and Taxes? (Closed)
Conspiracy modern reprints legal? (Closed)
Untapped Shockland for Counterspells (Closed)
favorite B/W token cards? (Closed)
Any Good Sacing Artifacts (Closed)
Tell me about Modern Tron (Closed)
What does infect combo lose to? (Closed)
8Rack card choice (Closed)
Best Red Draw (Closed)
[[garruk relentless]] (Closed)
How to Beat Fair Aggro Decks (Closed)
Cruel control (Closed)
U/x Delver (Closed)
Can Someone Explain Marchesa to Me? (Closed)
Help for PTQ in Maitland (Closed)
Chalice so good. (Closed)
What Would You Play? (Closed)
How do I Garruk? (Closed)
Mono Black Infect Ideas (Closed)
I Have Been Challenged (Closed)
SCG Opens (Closed)
Glissa Modern? (Closed)
Biggest decks in modern (Closed)
countering pod (Closed)
Hyper maze? (Closed)
Modern 5k = $$$$$$$$$ (Closed)
what to side deck against jund? (Closed)
Gaddock Teeg in Modern? (Closed)
Help Deciding (Closed)
Man Land (Closed)
killer deck search (Closed)
Oh snap Snappy! (Closed)
What is Pod (Closed)
sideboarding against merfolk? (Closed)
GW Hatebears Win conditions (Closed)
how exactly does a goyf deck work? (Closed)
Janky deck idea (Closed)
new to modern looking for deck 2 (Closed)
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