Modern MTG Forum
Spite of Mogis? (Closed)
how does torpor orb work? (Closed)
Is it time please? (Closed)
Oh Snap...Caster Mage (Closed)
enchantment removal (Closed)
How can I best get into the format? (Closed)
Is there a way to redirect lifegain (Closed)
Counter my own stuff to win?!?! (Closed)
Aristocrats in Modern? (Closed)
Hex vs. shroud (Closed)
is journey legal? (Closed)
Junk Athreos + Pod? (Closed)
Tarmogoyf alternate in the rock (Closed)
need help on combo (Closed)
Best cards in modern (Closed)
Any Validity to this Combo? (Closed)
More effective graveyard removal (Closed)
Just spitballing here... (Closed)
Kiki-jiki (Closed)
[[Abyssal Persecutor]] (Closed)
Sideboarding (Closed)
[[Remand]] vs [[Delay]] (Closed)
Fun to Play Tier 2 decks (Closed)
Modern Meta and sideboard (Closed)
Thoughts on Tezzerator (Closed)
GWR (Closed)
How does affinity win so fast? (Closed)
Modern blockers (Closed)
Mono E Mono (Closed)
Modern and Legacy Question? (Closed)
chance of pod getting banned (Closed)
Modern Bant Deck Idea? (Closed)
Seance combo in modern (Closed)
Inspiration Empty! (Closed)
Ways to Fill the Graveyard (Closed)
Ultimate reactive deck? (Closed)
New to Modern (Closed)
replace serum visions (Closed)
Tron artifacts (Closed)
Godsend (Closed)
Could Athreos be Good in Pod? (Closed)
Why is [[Breeding Pod]] So Good? (Closed)
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