Modern MTG Forum
5 color deck! help, tips? (Closed)
Popularity of Tron (Closed)
tribal vampire (Closed)
Format Entry (Closed)
Why no planeswalkers? (Closed)
Mono White Answers to Grixis Control (Closed)
Quicken in Storm (Closed)
Choosing a deck for PTQ Season! (Closed)
Viability of enchantress (Closed)
Why one? (Closed)
Budget Reanimator Targets (Closed)
Can Werewolf tribal be viable? (Closed)
Pro Tour results (Closed)
Does anyone agree with me on this? (Closed)
Post DRS Goyf (Closed)
Weirdstorm Chances (Closed)
Army of the damned deck? (Closed)
Flagstones of Epic (Closed)
Birthing pod and Resto Angel? (Closed)
KotR, the boss? (Closed)
Question about [[all is dust]] (Closed)
Is Soul Sisters competitive? (Closed)
Whats the deal with "wither"? (Closed)
Deck ideas (Closed)
Looking to build goblins for modern (Closed)
PT Born of the Gods (Closed)
Sideboard against Turbo Fog (Closed)
Modern Masters II? (Closed)
[[Hero's Downfall]] in Modern (Closed)
Where's the Dega love? (Closed)
Angel of Thune (Closed)
Modern season (Closed)
What about smallpox? (Closed)
Pain Seer vs Bob (Closed)
Cockatrice Modern tournament (Closed)
Blood Baron (Closed)
Best color combo to run for infect! (Closed)
Tier 1 decks post ban? (Closed)
How does Storm do in Modern? (Closed)
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