Modern MTG Forum
How to make a sideboard (Closed)
Grixis control with Nicol Bolas (Closed)
Cards without a deck? (Closed)
Eternal Command's Position in Modern (Closed)
How fast is ZOO (Closed)
Viability of Faeries (Closed)
Modern banlist update! (Closed)
[[Deathrite Shaman]] Banned (Closed)
Banning // Unbanning Announcement (Closed)
Born of the Gods in Modern (Closed)
I want a new deck. (Closed)
What if... (Ban Topic) (Closed)
Birthing Pod vs Jund (Closed)
Sideboard options, R vs W (Closed)
Help me complete an infinite combo (Closed)
Naya Midrange? (Closed)
playtest (Closed)
modern (Closed)
Is THIS a thing??? (Closed)
merfolk 1 drop / landbase (Closed)
What will be (un)banned next? (Closed)
Building tempo, which colours? (Closed)
ramp-deck payload (Closed)
Ghost quarter or Tectonic edge? (Closed)
Let's Take Down Jund (Closed)
Modern PTQ (Closed)
Top 10 Red Burn Spells (Closed)
Domri Rade vs. Liliana of the Veil (Closed)
Looking for new beginnings (Closed)
Non Milling B/U deck? (Closed)
Modern Death & Taxes... Again. (Closed)
Simic? (Closed)
Banning (Closed)
Unbanning (Closed)
What to do with my 4 noble hierarch (Closed)
[[Chord of Calling]] in Melira Pod (Closed)
Idea for Affinity sideboard. (Closed)
GPT Richmond help (Closed)
Is RG Tron worth making? (Closed)
Blood moon (Closed)
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