Modern MTG Forum
Just ordered a box of Modern Masters (Closed)
Relatively cheap Modern combo decks (Closed)
Stuck between Jund and BUG (Closed)
New to Modern (Closed)
Good decks to playtest against (Closed)
[[Scavenging Ooze]] in modern (Closed)
modern pod deck? (Closed)
Notion Thief in modern. (Closed)
Storm Variants? (Closed)
Whaaaaat?! (Closed)
New to Modern (Closed)
Trading Post in modern (Closed)
How does Twins do in tourney? (Closed)
[[Cosi's Trickster]] deck help (Closed)
First Tournament (Closed)
Beating artifacts (Closed)
Compensating for Speed (Closed)
Best color to splash (Closed)
Why isn't my deck modern (Closed)
Is Kokusho, the Evening Star banned? (Closed)
Thoughtseize vs...wallet. (Closed)
Modern Land Hate? (Closed)
How to speed up a Black Modern deck? (Closed)
[Modern]] Black Boardwipes? (Closed)
Is Discard viable in Modern? (Closed)
Esper Attrition (Closed)
Modern threats. (Closed)
Getting into modern (Closed)
Fetches a must in Melira Pod? (Closed)
Modern Reanimator (Closed)
Reinventing the Wheel (Closed)
Favorite deck type in Modern? (Closed)
Zombies in Modern Too! (Closed)
Unban the Banned? (Closed)
Goldfishing... (Closed)
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