Modern MTG Forum
Potential Rogue Build? (Closed)
Potential replacement for Probe? (Closed)
Meta Situation/Shift? (Closed)
Mardu Nahiri vs Jeskai Nahiri? (Closed)
Renegade Rallier combo (Closed)
The state of control in modern (Closed)
Janktastic (Closed)
What You'd Like To See (Closed)
How to Build Sultai (Closed)
lets see what you have... (Closed)
Will you help poor noob? (Closed)
Modern Brewing - Modern Upheaval (Closed)
Pillar of Flame Viability (Closed)
cards like scion of the wild (Closed)
Modern tournaments (Closed)
Naya Burn manabase? (Closed)
If I hated playing Spirits... (Closed)
Manlands in Modern (Closed)
G/B Rock - With Eldrich Evolution? (Closed)
How viable is Dovin Baan in Modern? (Closed)
Could this be a deck?? (Closed)
Budget Modern Decks Wanted (Closed)
Potential of Modern Bans? (Closed)
Pseudo-Rotation Concept (Closed)
Mardu Nahiri/Control (Closed)
Basic Lands of Modern Burn (Closed)
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