And I thought they broke it - Chord of Combo's Primer
Modern forum
Posted on Dec. 29, 2014, 6:06 a.m. by BlackyMTG
Okay guys seriously I just broke jeskai Ascendancy... I know what you're thinking blah, blah, blah, no you didn't this is already broken w/ the fatestitcher/faerie conclave version. Well I believe this deck is just so much better. This is more of a Midrange deck that plays just like Birthing Pod using Birds of Paradise and Noble Hierarch as early ramp and kitchen finks as early beaters, but once you drop the Ascendancy with Chord of Calling in hand all hell breaks loose. I'm sure you guys are all confused as to what in the hell is this guy doing with chord, so I'm going to explain it. Well Chord has convoke and Ascendancy untaps your creatures when you cast something. To start the combo off you need to have at least 2/3 creatures and ascendancy in play. Then you chord for Eternal witness and return the chord, you can also(if you have witness in play) get Phantasmal Image and copy the Witness doing the same thing repeatedly until you have lethal and/or more incase you want to play around combat tricks and with the final chord you grab your Hellraiser Goblin to give everything haste and swing out. Obviously my list isn't perfect and can use some number editing and additional cards I hadn't thought of, but I'm pretty sure this version of the list is way more playable than the others. So now that you guys all hopefully understand without further a due I present to you; CHORD OF COMBO'S!
Chord of Combo's - Modern Playtest
SCORE: 0 | 0 COMMENTS | 25 VIEWSPlease explain all the steps because the way I see it:
3x Birds of Paradise
Jeskai Ascendancy
Chord of Calling for X=3 (tapping 3 lands + 3 Birds)
Birds untap from Jeskai Ascendancy cast trigger
Fetch Eternal Witness, get back Chord
Now you have are 4 untapped creatures (3x Birds + 1x Witness), so at best you could only convoke Chord for X=1 assuming you have no untapped lands.
December 29, 2014 9:13 a.m.
You would inmost definitely have at least 2/3 lands when going off @meecht
December 29, 2014 9:25 a.m.
And you'll need those 2-3 lands to enable the first Chord for X=3, but those lands don't untap with Ascendancy.
How do you continue to cast Chord once your lands are tapped and you only have 4 creatures on the field?
December 29, 2014 9:37 a.m.
If you think that you can tap birds for mana and convoke, you are incorrect. The way convoke works is you tap creatures to pay for the cost as you play the spell so you couldn't tap birds for mana, untap, then convoke. Birds would untap after the spell has been cast, so after the spell has been payed for by convoke.
December 29, 2014 10:46 a.m.
I'm aware I just explained it in the paragraph incorrectly. and ThatBlueMage I was going to make it a primer, but I ended up not having the time, so I cut it short and forgot to cut that out of the title.
December 29, 2014 11:46 a.m.
TheDuggernaught says... #10
... as what everyone else has said, thats not how convoke works. when you cast chord, you only get to work with the current board state as the convoke is a casting cost. You cant cast chord, tap 2 creatures for the convoke cost, cast a non creature spell to untap them, and tap the creatures again for another 2 towards the convoke cost.
December 29, 2014 12:56 p.m.
Well I mean, you said in your first paragraph that you broke Jeskai Ascendancy, and then you claim to know what's wrong with the deck...
Hjaltrohir says... #2
I tried playtesting it and it isn't consistent enough. Maybe think about adding in Glittering Wish to make it more consistent but there are quite a few conditions and cards needed for the combo so I am not sure it is that broken
December 29, 2014 6:33 a.m.