Angel of Thune
Modern forum
Posted on Feb. 8, 2014, 9:54 p.m. by seevers35
Does Angel of Thune see play in any modern decks?
NotSoLuckyLydia says... #4
It sees one of play in melira pod decks as an alternate win condition with Spike Feeder .
February 8, 2014 10:02 p.m.
clockworkcactus says... #5
Some Soul Sisters decks were running one or two of them for a while, but that deck isn't seeing a lot of play anymore so I can't say whether they still do.
February 8, 2014 10:14 p.m.
+10 inception points for posting a thread with a link to itself.
My brain hurts just thinking about it.
Like the others said, it's a 1 of in Melira Pod and it's a 1-2 of in Soul Sisters which aren't really played.
If Naya Midrange becomes a thing I could see 1 or 2 being played with Lightning Helix and Ajani Vengeant , but we'll see.
ljs54321 says... #2
Do you mean Archangel of Thune ?
February 8, 2014 9:57 p.m.