Are there any current Tier 1 black or BGx decks?
Modern forum
Posted on Feb. 9, 2014, 4:59 p.m. by Turn_Soonest
I wanna put my Liliana of the Veil s and Dark Confidant s to use, so are there any decks that play those that are still Tier 1 or 1.5?
ryuzaki32667 says... #3
Ha he is more $$ now than DRS was , but yeah they are all still very viable decks, a deck like pox might have a time to shine,
February 9, 2014 5:04 p.m.
Turn_Soonest says... #4
I feel like GB midrange would be better than BGx, because without Deathrite Shaman you're losing the colors. But a friend of mine got second with four-color Jund last night at a modern tournament with 20 people....... So that seems pretty cool.
February 9, 2014 5:08 p.m.
Servo_Token says... #5
If you can't make a game with fetch + shock lands as your damn near perfect manabase, I'm not sure that you should be playing magic...
BG Midrange is just fine. Plays awfully similarly to jund, and if you can emulate the top deck, you're likely to emulate its rewards as well.
February 9, 2014 5:15 p.m.
gnarlicide says... #6
Pox is hilarious. Modern dead guy ale is a fringe thing, but dominates when played once in a while. I swap between three fringe decks; dredgevine, smallpox and dead guy lite. I also throw down with a tier 1 deck when bigger prizes are one the line, (see also Jund). I do not see any issue with Jund being viable if you replace DRS with Grim Lavamancer or Bloodhall Ooze . The latter being my personal choice after testing. You should just look into a replacement, if anything. There are many other sweet cards to use in its stead, just not any at THAT power level. You just have to see which utility you liked the best with the shaman. I enjoyed his ramp, which led me to test Elves of Deep Shadow for a bit. I may go back to it, but I like the aggro approach that ooze gives me.
February 9, 2014 6:50 p.m.
PrimeEpoch says... #7
Junk, Jund and Golgari are all really big. The Melira Pod!- Junk combo. The look of dredge on your face... - Jund Tarmogoyf dredge. BLΔCK (Gone Golgari) Rock Deck -R.I.P.- - Golgari rock (not mine).
I like pod, it's fun to play, however the most competitive may be rock.
February 9, 2014 7:09 p.m.
Jund could very well still dominate modern without drs. But I think your options have actually widened as far as brewing with Dark Confidant and Liliana of the Veil . If you build jund, there is no doubt that you will have a top tier deck.
February 9, 2014 7:10 p.m.
Adjundi was a thing pre ban. It will be slightly harder to accomplish withought drs. But totally doable with Noble Hierarch or Birds of Paradise
February 9, 2014 9:49 p.m.
Ajundi just won first at a GPT i went to, though this was before the ban.
February 9, 2014 10:05 p.m.
Jund with white, Lingering Souls specifically, is good in the "mirror" (jund, which isn't exactly the mirror anymore). With DRS being banned, we could see some more diversity. Due to this, you may not want that fourth color to deal with other jund decks.
February 9, 2014 10:13 p.m.
gnarlicide says... #13
Lingering Jund is amazing in the mirror. Chump blocker? You got it. Clean answer to an opposing goyf alongside your couple Terminate
s and Abrupt Decay
s? BOOM! How bout Path to Exile
! "Now what, motha fucka?!" Life gain offset? How bout lightning helix! Wanna be a total dick to your opponent with a walker? Ajani got your back.
I have gotten my shit pushed in by lingering Jund a couple times. It ain't pretty, especially going undefeated with regular Jund online In the final round. It's worth a shot. The added bonus, you get some serious fucking hate cards for your sideboard by adding the white.
Servo_Token says... #2
You kidding?
GB, Jund, and Junk are all viable. Just find any list, replace DRS with Noble Hierarch , and you're golden.
February 9, 2014 5:01 p.m.