Attention Jund Players.

Modern forum

Posted on June 1, 2015, 3:32 p.m. by gnarlicide

I was checking out a forum last night about our favorite BGx midrange deck, and some european dude was talking about how the card Boil lead to him being undefeated in a london GPT. He talked about how he played it as a 2 of in his SB and absolutely wrecked Twin and Merfolk. Like they autoscooped the second it resolved.

The dude also mentioned how we would only need to hang onto it and play it as a response to their decks shenanigans (in the twin case). Does anyone have any insight on this card? I may try it out, as they are only around 30 cents.

ChiefBell says... #2

With Delver being a strong presence don't see why not. Be careful of counterspells though!

June 1, 2015 3:40 p.m.

vishnarg says... #3

I have one in my Tron sideboard; I rarely use it. It's great against Twin and Delver, but may not secure a win. Against Merfolk, I've found that there are too many Wanderwine Hubs and Mutavaults to be effective, but to be honest I think it would play better out of the Jund sideboard than the Tron one. I would buy them and try it, because they're so cheap, assuming you can make a little room in your sideboard.

June 1, 2015 3:41 p.m.

The-Xellos says... #4

Choke is fun too. Do you really want to Cancel my spell, do you really want to cast that blue creature? I play that card every time i have green in the deck. Fun to cast it on turn 3 when they have 4 islands tapped. And yes Steam Vents is an island :)

June 1, 2015 3:41 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #5

Choke may be better because 3mana instead of 4 is pretty huge.

June 1, 2015 3:43 p.m.

Servo_Token says... #6

Choke is a lot easier to counter though because it's sorcery speed. With Boil, you just get em when they try to do something, and it gets them permanently. I say Boil is better.

June 1, 2015 4:08 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #7

That's a very good point.

June 1, 2015 4:14 p.m.

The-Xellos says... #8

It can go both ways. Both are great cards and when going against blue i use them both because they are killer. They can also counter Boil as well. Instant or non-instant you want to play either card when they are lest likely to counter it. With Boil they can just play more land afterwards.
Against a blue player game one was them and game 2 was me winning with Boil, game 3 he held on to all the fetches on the battlefield and just put what he needed out. I was lucky to play Boil followed by Choke for the win.

June 1, 2015 4:36 p.m.

lemmingllama says... #9

Boil is a fantastic way to get people. I'd say to go for it and try it out. It might not be ideal in every game, but the games it does resolve will be backbreaking.

June 1, 2015 4:53 p.m.

I like Boil. Though Thrun is likely a more diverse and nearly equally powerful option.

June 1, 2015 5:25 p.m.

gnarlicide says... #11

yeah, I fell like I am going to go for it, I feel like I can pull off a few "gotcha" moments with it and really get people to just move on to game 3 or sign their slips.

Maybe two in the board. I am on the fence about how Jund's SB is supposed to look. I missed out on the POD banning while I was in Africa, so My SB reflected that heavy Tron/POD meta.

Right now I think it looks something like:


Thrun, the Last Troll


Slaughter Games (although I would like to run two of these for some reason)

2x Fulminator Mage

Ancient Grudge

2x Damnation (So far its an out to mirrors and random delve decks)

Night of Souls' Betrayal (I may trade this for Sulfur Elemental)

Golgari Charm

2x Feed the Clan

Bow of Nylea (this card does so much work for me)

Back to Nature (not gonna lie, totally a flex card and never used it yet since it has been in the board as Boggles is non existent atm)

ChiefBell what would you put in your board?

June 1, 2015 7:33 p.m.

vishnarg says... #12

"That Tron/Pod meta"? When was tron big before the Pod ban? The entire meta was Blue Red Delver and Pod, not Tron.

June 1, 2015 8:02 p.m.

gnarlicide says... #13

vishnarg, shiiiiiittttt... I wish they players in my area got that memo. at one time, there was 4 pod players, 2 affinity, 3 twin players and 5 tron players. then there was my lonely jund ass.

June 1, 2015 8:07 p.m.

vishnarg says... #14

Tron is a popular choice at my LGS as well, but truly the deck has never been representative of more than 8% of the meta, only back in it's heyday about 2 years ago.

June 1, 2015 8:40 p.m.

gnarlicide says... #15

damn, lucky you. I think it was chosen by the masses at my shop because of a few variables:

  1. The shop is spitting distance from Fort Bragg. Which is the largest Army base in the United States. So every three years you can guarantee a new group of people entirely. But since people moving is more staggered, I think that eventually most of the players just had that deck laying around.

  2. Other players that were not military, (like the school teachers) bought up the cards for affinity and Tron (different variants) because they were on the cheap. Especially in a format where the manabase could easily cost almost half of the decks price tag.

  3. The rest of the cards in RG Tron seem fairly recently printed, so I think all three of these factors made it much more easily accessible for other players.

June 1, 2015 9:38 p.m.

JexInfinite says... #16

Instead of using Boil against merfolk, do a Jacob Wilson, and play it in merfolk. Can't go wrong. You also have access to sideboard Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded.

June 2, 2015 5:15 a.m.

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