Best Comeback Win Stories

Modern forum

Posted on Jan. 18, 2016, 6:48 p.m. by Sergal

Ok, so I just had a fun game. I was playing Esper Mill, and my opponent was playing a Living End combo deck. If he hit one living end, I was going to lose hard. I milled through 3 living ends, and about 10 creatures, but there was still one LE in the deck. If he started cascading, I was going to lose the next turn. Turn 3 I drew Crypt Incursion. I knew I had to hold it. I left my 3 lands untapped and passed the turn. He started cascading. When he hit living end, I responded by exiling all of his creatures, and gaining 33 life. He was sitting on 20 cards in library and no wincon, so we called it a good game, and shook hands. Has anyone else had something like this happen, where you knew you were going to lose, and just, all of a sudden, pulled a win out of nowhere? I'm interested in hearing some insane stories.

car says... #2

yes. esper control vs twin. I was esper control. t10, i had 8 mana. no hand. He casts twin, no cards left for counters. I flashback 3 think twice, and on the third, get a spellpierce and counter it. He is at 4 life and i swing with tasigur for the win

January 18, 2016 6:53 p.m.

123katty says... #3

I have one!

I was playing an odd deck using Shadowborn Apostles. It was turn five and I was losing. I had Bloodbond March on the field and a land in my hand, and it seemed it was all over for me. But then I drew a very special card.

Thrumming Stone.

I cast a single Shadowborn Apostle, and at once it rippled AND resurrected all its dead friends. I just kept rippling through my deck until I'd found ALL of the Apostles, and even then I still had about fourteen ripple triggers. This allowed me to reorder the entire deck in any way I wanted. But that didn't matter, because once I had my mana I sacrificed twenty-four of my twenty-eight Apostles to find Griselbrand, two Demon of Death's Gate and an Eater of Hope.

My opponent conceded.

January 18, 2016 6:59 p.m.

GlistenerAgent says... #4

Because I'm an ass: Living End probably shouldn't have four copies of that card.

I've played various games against Grixis decks where they kill all my creatures and have me dead in a couple of turns, and I draw exactly Inkmoth Nexus into Become Immense or something similar.

January 18, 2016 6:59 p.m.

bretters says... #5

this weekend at pre-release i was playing 2 headed giant and the opposing team had gotten out a void winnower and we couldn't cast most of our spells (which were even CMC)) and we were dead on board but we already had them down to 5 life with constant attacks from flyers and a kalitas, bloodchief. well we got exacties for the win with one last attack from a flyer for 3(enchanted with an aura that makes it unable to block and when it deals damage its owner takes that damage as well) and 2 damage from a Blighted Gorge

January 18, 2016 7:06 p.m.

DrFunk27 says... #6

Yeah. I played Tron 4 different times in an FNM. I lost to a T3 Karn for the bazillionth time, freaked out and flipped the table. The table hit him in the face and he played 75 card pickup. Definitely a win in my book.

January 18, 2016 7:35 p.m.

Oh god yes. More then I care to remember.

Most recent one was against Junk Blink (using the new Eldrazi Displacer), I'm playing Azorius Blink. It was a strange game, but at one point he has an immense board presence and about 40-some life because of Siege Rhino blinking, I'm sitting at 11 life and have an Akroma (red one) and one very lonesome missionary with no way to blink him. He has enough mana to finish me off next turn. I draw into Venser, the Walker, blink the Missionary to keep safe and ult him three turns later, and proceed to win from there.

Another time, playing Mill, my opponent is sitting on a huge board, about to blow me up, I crack an Esper Charm EOT, draw into a land and Archive Trap, next turn I draw into my fifth land and hardcast the trap for the win.

January 18, 2016 7:37 p.m. Edited.

Sergal says... #8

GlistenerAgent I thought the game was over when I used Tome Scour turn one and hit 2 of them. I played Glimpse the Unthinkable turn 2 and saw another. I asked him if he played a full playet, and he said yea. I didnt think it played more than 2 either, but I guess he's just a rebel lol.

DrFunk27. Thats hilarious!

January 18, 2016 7:55 p.m.

Scouty says... #9

I was playing an BRG ramp mirror (Y'know, 4 Primeval Titan and 3 Inferno Titan kind of deck, splashing mostly black for removal, since I doubt anyone knows about that kind of jank) and we were dead-locked. We basically kept killing each other's things, and he topdecked a Primeval Titan. I had 2 turns to kill him, and I was out of removal spells. I topdecked a Galvanic Blast both turns in a row with metalcraft enabled, and shot him down from 7 life for the win.

January 18, 2016 8:31 p.m.

mathimus55 says... #10

Playing edh at the prerelease I had a Mycoloth with 2 counters, 2 mana dorks and 2 Mycoloth token dudes to face down an equipped and unblockable Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest and voltroned Zurgo Helmsmasher. The Shu yun player finished off the Zurgo player for 20+ commander damage and was heading for me next.

I top deck Triumph of the Hordes with him tapped out and no blockers.

January 18, 2016 10:05 p.m.

lordAKU says... #11

for me it was a game of edh and i was playing marchesa. the only thing i had on the battlefield was a Consecrated Sphinx and Feldon of the Third Path that were staring down an army of angels. upkeep i draw Sepulchral Primordial, insta cast to steal Avacyn, Angel of Hope from there yard, followed by activating feldon to copy a Bearer of the Heavens in my yard. it went from near death to repeated one sided board wipes ftw

January 18, 2016 10:18 p.m.

addaff says... #12

For me it was game 3, im on my version of amulet bloom vs. a RUG aggro deck. It's my turn and I'm dead on board at this time, no amulet, just a bunch of lands with prime time in hand. I top deck a Thragtusk. I can't kill him and he will kill me if i don't drop the tusk. I drop tusk, gain life, and past the turn. Turns start. He taps out for hooty (delve ape) and Vendilion Cliques my prime time. I draw Telling Time and cast at his EOT. The 3 i rip off the top are Amulet of Vigor, Boros Garrison, and Summoner's Pact. I drop garrison to the bottom, keep pact, and put amulet on top. Draw/play amulet, pact for prime time, and smash face with a double strike prime time for the win. That win secured me finishing in first that night.

That same night i also had a turn 2 Ruric Thar, the Unbowed vs. BW tokens. RIP amulet

January 18, 2016 11:28 p.m.

gnarlicide says... #13

I play Jund. Which means most games look like comebacks.

The best one? I have no idea, I am sure it involved Shatterstorm or something.

The most recent? Here. I was down a game against Merfolk, going into game 2. The opponent drops a Spreading Seas on my red source, and plays a copy of Rest in Peace. Shit. My goyfs are tiny, and the tasigur in my hand will be hardcast. I rip a copy of engineered explosives, I set it at 2. Knowing that most of his good cards are 2 drops. And I wait for him to start creating his army.

A few turns later, I have Tasigur out, (hardcast) and pop explosives. Killing a lord, 2 seas, RIP, and a harbinger of the tides.

By now the guy is in top deck mode, and struggling to keep a board, as now I have Ooze eating cards in my GY and tasigur getting back my copy of Abrupt Decay every turn. Ended up destroying him.

Game 3 I slam a t3 Choke, followed by a t4 K command, to kill his vial. and then damnation. Ravine beats for the win.

January 18, 2016 11:30 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #14

This game actually happened earlier today. So I'm playing Hearless Eldrazi against what I find out to be Bogles. My opener has no discard, and by the time I drew into it, my opponent's hands were just nothing but lands. I made what I think were serious misplays, but I'm still learning the ins and outs of the deck.

Anyway, he lands a turn 1 Gladecover Scout and immediately starts loading it up with a couple Keen Sense and Hyena Umbra. A few turns in he lands a couple Kor Spiritdancer and I manage to remove them while preserving my life total. My Oblivion Sower whiffed on lands (but instead removed 3 Slippery Bogles, so that was neat), and I couldn't do anything except build up lands for the Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger in my hand. Fast forward a few turns there's 2 Kor Spiritdancers and a pimped out Gladecover Scout gaining lots of life and drawing tons of cards per turn. I'm sitting there able to generate 9 mana with an empty board and draw a second Eye of Ugin with an Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth on the field. Okay, that's neat. Play Ulamog and exile Daybreak Coronet and Unflinching Courage and now I have a 10/10 indestructible blocker.

Course, the guy just immediately draws another Coronet and plays it. Next turn's draw is a Conduit of Ruin and I'm able to fetch Kozilek, the Great Distortion. Opponent's not attacking into Ulamog because apparently he's not keen on pinging me for small damage. Draw and play Kozi, attack with Ulamog, more for the mill than the damage because he's at 29 cards in his library and at about 40 life. Opponent concedes because he can't attack for lethal through 17 toughness combined and Ulamog would just get rid of the rest of his library next turn anyway.

January 19, 2016 12:08 a.m. Edited.

The most recent hell of a finish was a game of standard. I was playing my version of Abzan Red (Abzan midrange splashing red for Kolaghan's Command main, and Crackling Doom and Radiant Flames side) playing against Jeskai Black (the one with Mantis Rider). Game 3. This match is particularly very grindy. I have better removal, he has better card advantage, I have better threats, we both have decent recursion but his is ultimately better. I'm favored but it's still a tough match up. Anywho, I'm at 3 life, no cards in hand, 9 lands in play and starring down 2 Mantis Rider, 1 Soulfire Grand Master and 1 Dragonmaster Outcast, and just got smacked by 2 Mantis Rider to put my to 3. He has no cards in hand. He's at 5 life. And 1 removal spell won't cut it nor will a Siege Rhino. I draw for turn, draw a Painful Truths, go ok, I guess I'll cast it for converge = 2. Tap a white source, white source, and black. Draw 2, lose 2. I'm at 1 life. I draw a Forest and a Kolaghan's Command. I sit there and ponder my options. I check my graveyard. I check my land count. I drop the Forest for my turn giving me 7 untapped sources of mana and all the colors I need. I play Kolaghan's Command. Modes: 2 damage to his face and return Siege Rhino from my yard to my hand. Then cast Siege Rhino for the win. It was my only out.

January 19, 2016 4:28 a.m.

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