Best dragon monsters for modern?
Modern forum
Posted on March 20, 2015, 11:15 p.m. by IndepenentMeta
I know there's the always talked bout thundermaw, the there's stormbreath but is their any other good dragons worth running in modern?Maybe like a badass 6-8 drop that basically spells game?
Hjaltrohir says... #2
I do like Icefall Regent though, better than Dungeon Geists...
March 21, 2015 4:40 p.m.
IndepenentMeta says... #3
True I just like the fact that that cost one less
March 21, 2015 5:16 p.m.
IndepenentMeta says... #4
March 21, 2015 5:42 p.m.
bijschjdbcd says... #5
No, No and no.
Dragons are just no, Stormbreath Dragon and Thundermaw Hellkite are the only exceptions but are not maindecked.
Thunderbreak Regent you could argue for, You are guaranteed "value" if it gets removed. Dodges Abrupt Decay which is relevant.
In terms of competitive modern Dragons are not viable.
March 21, 2015 9:16 p.m.
IndepenentMeta says... #6
I could actually see it getting play time in modern. It has some pretty good aspects of teir one. The spells are cheap, there's a good chance at some control. It has good protection in the sense of using Stormbreath Dragon to protect from white and Thunderbreak Regent. As for Bogardan Hellkite it having flash could drop a bomb on their first creature drop. And over all I really think the addition of Sarkhan's Triumph was much needed in this game. But hey lol it's a dragon structure pack what did we expect? Diffenently something I'd run for fun at a tourney
March 21, 2015 10:12 p.m.
I don't have a current build exactly for Thunderbreak Regent other than my own spoop brew as I like to call any brews I make. I just think a 4/4 flyer for 4 can be relevant especially when in order to remove him the opponent (most of the time) has to agree to take a lightning bolt to the face. The key is his targeting ability almost being a deterrent to killing him. Oh and if you happen to 2 out? They take 6 to the face to remove one of them and another 3 to kill the other via spot removal.
March 21, 2015 11:30 p.m.
IndepenentMeta says... #10
Not to mention if you have counters. They already targeted so the effect still triggers. Take 3 there's two Monastery Siege so you know your gonna have to pay 4 + the cmc for the spot removal. That waste you turn even if the removal is on a 3 cmc cause it would cost 7 to cast. Personally I think that kinda control is enough to break the meta board, you would also get delayed splinter twin drops even if there's only one Monastery Siege. Pretty neat huh?
March 21, 2015 11:47 p.m.
selesvyaloverer8 says... #11
Bogardan Hellkite is about 7 turns off from removing someone's first creature drop.
March 21, 2015 11:58 p.m.
IndepenentMeta says... #12
Sorry I forget y'all lack common sense... First drop for the turn... Including if they have existing threats....
March 22, 2015 12:24 a.m.
Just thought of this awesome god-hand combo...
Turn 1: mountain
Turn 2: mountain
Turn 3: mountain
Turn 4: mountain
Turn 5: mountain
Turn 6: mountain
Turn 7: mountain
Turn 8: mountain, Bogardan Hellkite
March 22, 2015 12:27 a.m.
IndepenentMeta says... #14
Dude inb4 banning of hellkite cause of the broken combo Jay just discovered..
March 22, 2015 12:29 a.m.
IndepenentMeta says... #15
Jay dude I'm looking to take out the Lightning Bolt idk it seems like sucha waste if you have field control. It's like big whoop I get to burn for three. But on the other view of things it does stop a lot of early turn drops and all that. I know about Flame Slash but is there any other instant kill spell I can use.
March 22, 2015 1:10 a.m.
bijschjdbcd says... #16
If you're so informed about the modern metagame and what is and isnt playable shouldnt you be able to figure it out?
Go play your dragon deck at some competitive event and have fun X-Oing.
March 22, 2015 2:41 a.m.
IndepenentMeta says... #17
Lol you know not all of us are obsessed with winning. Some of us have fun showing other people they were wrong, others just like playing decks for fun, and why not its not like there won't be other events where you could actually run the same thing everyone else is doing. Like I said before man winning ain't always everything.
March 22, 2015 7:28 a.m.
IndepenentMeta says... #18
Now we can sit here and argue with bout the same thing over and over again. Or we can discuss other meta threats besides Splinter Twin
March 22, 2015 7:29 a.m.
bijschjdbcd says... #19
Who said I was obsessed with winning?
The last to Modern FNMs that have been held I have lentu my Twin and UWR Control lists out to people, I played janky decks which I found fun, UR Tempo, Kiln Fiend aggro, etc.
Now when you post in a Modern thread Forum and draw attentionto two dragons that seeplay in top tier modern decks I can safely assume that you are referring to a relatively competitive environment, I responded accordingly.
I wasn't comlaring anything to Twin decks, If you read one of my responses you would have seen that I suggested that Thunderbreak Regent was a possibility as it gains some degree of value and dodges Decay.
March 22, 2015 7:53 a.m.
OtakulordAndrew says... #20
Independent meta I think you might be getting a little to defensive. People such as bijschjdbcd are just trying to let you know that the idea of a competive modern tribal dragon deck is not really viable in the current modern meta. Note when I first saw the forum I was expecting it to be about competitive play as well that is why I stated that aside from the ocasional 1 of Thundermaw Hellkite in uwr control or a couple copies in naya midrange zoo that dragons don't see modern play. They used to in dragonstorm in the form of 4 Bogardan Hellkite but not anymore. Also if you do really want to try and make it work I would suggest creating either a control deck that just uses a few dragons as a finisher or a grx midrange deck. If x is white you have plenty of burn for control Lightning Bolt, Lightning Helix as well as Path to Exile. If x is black you have access to some of the best removal in the game such as Abrupt Decay, Doom Blade, Thoughtseize etc. If x is blue you have access to great counter spells. Finally if you do want to make modern dragons why is there no mention of Rakdos Pit Dragon I've seen him as a sideboard option in a few mono red deck wins as a finisher they bring in against control and midrange decks usually as a 1 of or 2 of, after the red deck's resources where spent the pit dragon came down and double strike the last of the opponent's life away usually being given flying and a minor firebreathing.
March 22, 2015 12:33 p.m.
IndepenentMeta says... #21
No it's just when people start saying that I try telling em I'm prolly gonna go ahead and make it. And then they make it seem like "the decks not viable" I'm like ok fine that's Kool with m I still wanna run the deck.
Also wen they say "this guy is trolling" it usually ends up with like 5 pages of them posting dumb little pics and throwing insults. But there's nothing in the rules against that....
March 22, 2015 2:13 p.m.
IndepenentMeta says... #22
I mean I just don't see how it wouldn't be viable if control, death and taxes, and other stall decks are viable I don't see how throwing a few dragons would make it unrunable..
It's basically a UR taxes deck
March 22, 2015 2:17 p.m.
lemmingllama says... #23
I see no issue with your list, it looks fun to play and can try to out tempo your opponents and then win with dragons. I think it's mainly the fact that Bogardan Hellkite will statistically never be cast in any of your games. You will rarely draw it, and when you do, you will rarely have the mana required to cast it. Dragons can be strong finishers, but you also have to be able to cast them.
March 22, 2015 4:17 p.m.
IndepenentMeta says... #24
Yeah drawing it early game sucks its a minus one all game till u get ur 8th mama n who knows how long that will take every game. But aside from that the anticipates and the serum visions can help me scry him and the sarkhans triumphs can help me search him. I guess it's just a matter if you want to put up with him
March 22, 2015 6:27 p.m.
OtakulordAndrew says... #25
In all honesty your deck from earlier in the comments lacks most of the necessary control it would need to be viable in modern, while containing many cards that would simply waste a turn and your mana to play such as Goblin Electromancer who provides little to nothing for this deck and is an easy burn or destroy target creature target, and Monastery Siege which essentially gives your opponent a free turn. You also have a number of cards which are essentially dead in your hand if you draw them do to there high impractical cost in relation to what they do, you do have access to cards all the way back to 8th edition in modern, there are many cards that can do the job of cards in your deck better. In most cases you would most likely never get a chance to play the dragons you desire in this deck as you wouldn't survive long enough to generate 6 mana even if you hit a land drop every turn as that would imply that you were hitting land when you need control. Overall your deck idea and your thoughts on the modern meta are quite inaccurate. As I said erlier your best chance at getting to play the dragons you want in modern would be either a solid control deck with only a few copies of a dragon as a finisher or a grx midrange deck.
March 22, 2015 6:50 p.m.
JexInfinite says... #26
If you want to play huge dragons, find a way to cheat them into play. Elvish Piper is a casual option that comes to mind.
March 23, 2015 4:38 a.m.
IndepenentMeta says... #27
It having flash does buy its way in...
But Ill prolly make something with that next
March 23, 2015 5:37 a.m.
Hjaltrohir says... #28
JexInfinite or Quicksilver Amulet, Hypergenesis etc. (although the hyper is banned in modern from memory)
IndepenentMeta says... #1
Maybe not in modern because that does cost one less. But if you think about they would prolly need to use their turn up on Icefall Regent if you already have a Monastery Siege up. I mean it is gonna cost 5 mana. And if you have a mana leak up maybe. But yeah it's kinda of a far stretch at 5 cmc. Thunderbreak Regent plus Stubborn Denial 5 mana ;) guys!
March 21, 2015 4:29 p.m.