Born of the Gods in Modern

Modern forum

Posted on Feb. 2, 2014, 12:57 p.m. by GlistenerAgent

Now that the full Born of the Gods spoiler has dropped, I have taken a look at which cards I feel would impact Modern the most and... well, there's not a ton of them. Mogis, God of Slaughter has a small chance at seeing play in Jund. Spirit of the Labyrinth could see some sideboard play. Satyr Firedancer and Searing Blood could be played in Burn. Archetype of Courage might (but probably won't) get played in white weenie decks. Hero of Iroas might replace Kor Spiritdancer in Hexproof, but meh. I don't think I'm missing anything, but if I am, feel free to tell me in the comments.

What I (and probably every aggro player in the world) am very excited about is Brimaz, King of Oreskos out of Born of the Gods. I expect him to see play mostly in Junk, Birthing Pod and B/W Tokens.

The Tokens deck in particular is something I think Brimaz, King of Oreskos will shine in, as he can replace Hero of Bladehold as a cheaper and better defensive token lord. Check out my tokens build with Brimaz, King of Oreskos here:

So Many Chump Blockers... Playtest

Modern thispersonisagenius


If you feel that other Born of the Gods cards will impact Modern more than Brimaz, King of Oreskos or have other ideas for decks built around the King, feel free to discuss in the comments.

MollyMab says... #2

Mogis is interesting as a 4 drop. He provides a clock or repeated removal. Downside is he will generally never become a creature, and might end up a meh 4 mana card.

Spirit is semi decent in G/W Hatebears but modern doesn't really draw a lot. More likely to see fringe Legacy Play as a hate card for Storm and Brainstorm.

Firedancer is just bad. Burn doesn't want to kill creatures. Playing a 2 mana dude who lets you kill creatures is very meh.

Searing Blaze is decentish but not amazing. It doesn't kill many dudes so will rarely burn.

Archetype of Courage gives first strike. And what else? White weenie wants to dominate combat through anthems. First strike doesn't really help much.

Kor is used because it makes things cantrip. This makes it harder for you to blow out a Hexproof player who has voltronned up, as they will have CA. All their enchantments are cheap so the -1 cost does nothing. He doesn't have hexproof himself for meh there.

Brimaz isn't a straight replacement. Brimaz is a 3/4 who blocks/attacks as a 4/5 or greater. Hero is a 3/4 who attacks as a 7/6 and buffs all your other tokens and doesn't die to Abrupt Decay and isn't legendary. Big difference.

February 2, 2014 1:31 p.m.

xzavierx says... #3

i dont see Brimaz impacting birthing pod. Although his vigilance and token are nice. the extra damage from the token comparing to Kitchen Finks as the 3 drop in pod isn't worth the loss of synergy with the rest of the deck. You'd lose the benefit of persist when killed with destroy effects, lose a combo piece, lose 4 lifegain which helps offset phyrexian mana life loss from early pods and he isn't green to to work with Chord of Calling

Spirit of the Labyrinth will probably see play in legacy death and taxes and g/w hatebears modern.

Hero of Iroas most likely wont see any play in modern. He reduces the cost of enchantments by a colorless. This doesnt really benefit the key parts of G/w or bant hexproof spells Daybreak Coronet , Rancor and Ethereal Armor . kor allows you to draw cards, which is a much stronger benefit

February 2, 2014 2:18 p.m.

GlistenerAgent says... #4

@LeaPlath @xzavierx I mainly saw Spirit of the Labyrinth as sideboard card for Hatebears or even Birthing Pod against U/W/R, and I agree that it's biggest impact will be in Legacy.

Most of the cards I discussed were those I thought have a chance at Modern, not those that are locks for the format. On second thought, some of those are straight up bad as was mentioned above. Hero of Iroas I was already unsure about, as I am aware that Kor Spiritdancer is much more potent in Hexproof. I haven't tested the idea at all, so wasn't sure about how good it would be. Regarding the Hero of Bladehold comment, I never meant it as a strict replacement. I meant that Brimaz, King of Oreskos can be very powerful in Tokens, and Tokens may choose to play him over Hero.

February 2, 2014 2:32 p.m.

I really don't think anything other than Brimaz, King of Oreskos has any shot at seeing play in modern, and even he isn't the greatest choice in the decks that would want him.

February 2, 2014 3:25 p.m.

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