Can you risk playing Leonin Arbiter while facing Assassin's Trophy?
Modern forum
Posted on Sept. 13, 2018, 5:17 a.m. by Hoschie
Hi Guy's,
at first I thought Leonin Arbiter got a new friend in Assassin's Trophy and after a second: 3 colour Hatebears woun't work.
But this isn't what I want to talk about: My question is "is Leonin Arbiter still playable in Modern?"
Assassin's Trophy will be brutal in the early turns when we have a Leonin Arbiter on the battelfield. So can we risk playing it? Does it stll texes you opponen more than us? or has Hatebeas to change?
And at least in the first month we will see a ton of Assassin's Trophy
Greetings Hoschie
WizardOfTheNorthernCoast says... #3
Nice observation. I thought of it too and immediately dismissed the idea of running a 3-color taxing deck.
I think Arbiter will still be good in his very own shell (Mono W DnT), but I don't know how big AT's impact will be on the format. I expect it to be pretty important and with BBE running around I fear the return of Jund tbh.
Anyways, the best current versions of DnT in Modern are the ones running Eldrazis, so Arbiter was already kind of on the decline...
September 13, 2018 5:36 a.m.
Let me check I understand you - do you mean to say that AT will make you not play Arbiter in D&T, because your opponents will play it against you while you have arbiter out?
If that is indeed the question I would say, yes play arbiter. If they destroy it with AT, you still get to search, if they destroy something else, you have to make sure to tax them for it.
AT changes the landscape too much for sure. I would play it in Eldrazi and Taxes and splash some green for it. Heck, you even get to play Stirrings that way.
September 13, 2018 7:22 a.m.
hey Boza,
thats exactly my point, I fear the greedy /bad hands when you rely on 2 Lands and arbitter + something or 1 land, vile, + arbiter. When your opponet destoys here something with AT, other then the arbiter, the game could be over..
But this are probably situations to rare to fear them?
September 13, 2018 7:52 a.m.
At this point, it is impossible to know. I feel that greedy manabases are the most punishable thing by AT or arbiter (the best shell for AT is currently Sultai Control, so you can use snappy, which has a greedy manabase itself).
However, I feel that is not a bad idea to play both in a deck.
September 13, 2018 8:13 a.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #7
Well I agree with above I don't see your concern as valid but after testing AT online I can tell you it's typically the last pick for removal. If there's a choice I rather use Abrupt Decay or Fatal Push first & save my AT for the late game threats.
September 13, 2018 10:32 a.m.
Scorch1313 says... #8
Are fetchlands unplayable when your opponent is potentially running Leonin Arbiter?
September 13, 2018 1:46 p.m.
Leonin arbiter would propably be unplayable if AT decks would be a huge part of the meta. Unless that happens i dont see thos card in danger.
I absolutely agree that 3 color hatebears ia not a good idea. And ypu shouldnt plash G for AT in BW Taxas because your mana base is already exceptionaly greedy
WizardOfTheNorthernCoast says... #2
Nice observation. I thought of it too and immediately dismissed the idea of running a 3-color taxing deck.
I think Arbiter will still be good in his very own shell (Mono W DnT), but I don't know how big AT's impact will be on the format. I expect it to be pretty important and with BBE running around I fear the return of Jund tbh.
Anyways, the best version of DnT in Modern right now are probably the ones running Eldrazis, so Arbiter was already kind of on the decline a little...
September 13, 2018 5:35 a.m.