Cards You Can Cast From The Graveyard
Modern forum
Posted on June 18, 2015, 2:22 p.m. by Runlue
Hey guys! It's me again! This is a plea for help involving cards that can reanimate themselves from the graveyard! And no, I'm looking for more than just cards with flashback and the like. I'm talking about cards like Gravecrawler and Vengevine! So guys, any ideas? Thanks again!
It might be faster to do a Gatherer text search for creatures with "from your graveyard"
June 18, 2015 2:34 p.m.
ItchiUchiha117 says... #5
You don't cast Bloodghast either...
Masked Admirers can reanimate itself, given a small mana investment, and draws a card when it ETBs.
June 18, 2015 2:34 p.m.
I know you don't cast Bloodghast. He said cards like Gravecrawler and Vengevine. Since you dont cast vengevine I gave him bloodghast.
June 18, 2015 2:39 p.m.
Masked Admirers doesn't reanimate. It just goes back to hand.
June 18, 2015 2:41 p.m.
ItchiUchiha117 says... #8
... I'm sorry, I don't think I understand what you're saying then. Why mention casting at all if you aren't casting either one?
June 18, 2015 2:42 p.m.
Yaaaa, I should probably mention that instead of CASTING, I just want it to return to the battlefield from the graveyard.
These are really great suggestions though. Thanks guys!
June 18, 2015 2:44 p.m.
masterosok says... #11
You can go with cards that bring other cards back for you as well
Honestly there are so many you really would need to do a search on gather to find the ones that fit what your deck is trying to do the best.
This might get you started:[return]+[from]+[graveyard]+[to]+[battlefield]
June 18, 2015 2:45 p.m.
So are you looking for cards without the unearth or undying mechanic? Building a dredge deck are we?
June 18, 2015 2:51 p.m.
addaff Pretty much, I want nothing that gets it exiled after an action, I want it to go from the graveyard to the battlefield and vice versa.
June 18, 2015 2:54 p.m.
My favorites are definitely Bloodghast and Demigod of Revenge. So satisfying to pay five mana and get 4 4/4's on the field.
addaff says... #2
Since you don't cast Vengevine how about Bloodghast.
June 18, 2015 2:27 p.m.