Courser of kruphix???

Modern forum

Posted on March 4, 2014, 6:47 a.m. by gnarlicide

When I saw the addition of Courser of Kruphix in modern Jund, I was curious. I mean, it looked cool. It seemed like a great idea. But I have not really seen it impact the deck in a spectacular way and makes the man abase seem a bit more clunky on the first couple turns.

I understand that the dude that came up with the idea to add it get paid significantly more to to think of that kind of stuff, but he also adds Anger of the Gods MB.

So with that, you have a total of 7 three drops in different double colors. Sounds efficient for a near suicidal manabase.

So my question is, "does anyone think it's worth it?"

Schuesseled says... #2

I can't see why it's being used, modern is supposed to be using the best cards available for cheap mana costs, right? How does this crap work it's way in?

March 4, 2014 7:45 a.m.

the3rdH0kage says... #3

It's used in Modern Jund to help fight the life loss from Dark Confidant sometimes Scavenging Ooze just don't get you there.

March 4, 2014 8:02 a.m.

Courser of Kruphix gains you card advantage over the course of a game. If you play it in a GBx deck with Liliana of the Veil , you don't have to worry about discarding lands. It gains you an incremental amount of life. It walls almost every 1 and 2 drop in the format.

Courser has now won a few modern dailies on MODO, mostly in a GB shell. It's certainly NOT a crap card.

And it's very easy to play multiple double color cost spells in the same CMC slot in modern, because your mana can be as greedy as you want. Even greedier with Courser in the deck, as it improves every fetch, and makes you way less likely to draw lands in general.

March 4, 2014 8:05 a.m.

graft says... #5

It blocks Wild Nacatl and company while gaining incremental advantages.

March 4, 2014 8:20 a.m.

Schuesseled says... #6

I can't see why you wouldn't better off runnign additional copies of: gofy, bitterblossom, bob, scooze, liliana.

Gaining 1 life a turn = crapPlaying lands from the top of your deck = okay2/4 vs a 4/5 ogfy = omg are you kidding, ultra bad.

March 4, 2014 8:20 a.m.

Schuesseled says... #7

Gaining 1 life a turn = crap

Playing lands from the top of your deck = okay

2/4 vs a 4/5 ogfy = omg are you kidding, ultra bad.

March 4, 2014 8:21 a.m.

Schuesseled says... #8

ogfy... i meant goyf.

March 4, 2014 8:21 a.m.

You already play four goyf. Liliana is at four. Scooze is at three, and more than that makes goyf worse. Bitterblossom is worse than Courser in a slow format. Bob is already at four.

March 4, 2014 8:26 a.m.

Part of that is also the prevalence of Zoo, as graft was getting at. Loam Lion , Kird Ape , Wild Nacatl ; all hit a wall with Courser of Kruphix on the board. The Anger of the Gods is in there for the same reason, a 3 toughness board wipe. And, it just so happens Courser of Kruphix survives the Lightning Bolt of damage. Keep in mind, Jund is an attrition deck, not aggro.

March 4, 2014 9:15 a.m.

I could actually see this card getting up to 20 a piece. maybe im crazy, I don't know. I think it is way better in modern than standard. im not that big of a fan, but it basically negates the loss of life from fetches, softens the loss of life from shocks, provides a wall against aggro, and plays cards from the top of your library. overall it seems pretty good. if I played modern, I would like it quite a bit more.

March 4, 2014 10:46 a.m.

megawurmple says... #12

Think about it this way: not only does it wall aggro, it also means that cracking a fetch into a shock land only loses you 1 life as opposed to 3. If you crack it at end of turn for a tapped shock, or you get a basic, he nets you one life. Given that some of Jund's worst match ups are RDW and aggro (which is even better with Wild Nacatl back), offsetting the life loss from your suicidal mana base is the difference between a win and a loss.

March 4, 2014 2:40 p.m.

gnarlicide says... #13

These area ll good valid points. I am think ing about adding it, but at the cost of my Kitchen Finks . Thats the issue I am running into right now... Finks or No Finks?

March 4, 2014 4:40 p.m.

SharuumNyan says... #14

It may mean that cracking a fetch into a shock only loses you one life, but only on turn four onwards when hopefully you already have a good mana base.

March 4, 2014 4:54 p.m.

gnarlicide says... #15

Yeah, thats where my problem with this card is SharuumNyan... the first three turns for me is frantically "fetching into shock/basic" until I get my ideal manabase, all while killing off or controlling their dudes. You know, typical Jund stuff. By the time I get the Courser out, I don't really need it. At that point If I want more land, its so that I can activate Raging Ravine or ditching them to Lilianas +1.

March 4, 2014 7:10 p.m.

Here's how I see it: Courser of Kruphix just causes me problems since I run UWR Control. Specifically it's a card I don't want on the field at all. It doesn't die to my burn and I loathe the idea of wasting a Path to Exile on it. Sure I could always counter it, but again that seems like a waste of resources. Ultimately it falls into that odd category of "counter when necessary" which is always tricky because determining when it's necessary is really hard some times.

March 4, 2014 8:03 p.m.

The answer to "Should I counter Courser" is "Only if you are running a deck with counters." Control decks want the opponent to topdeck lands late game. Courser makes sure they don't.

March 4, 2014 8:07 p.m.

xzavierx says... #18

1 life doesnt seem all that much in modern... but when you're losing 1-3 life per turn from blossom and bob that counter balance is strong.

March 5, 2014 7:23 a.m.

Ah, but one life is always the difference between you and an lightningbolt to the face. Courser of Kruphix like DRS is good for the whole game. It's not nearly as powerful, but the longer it stays out the more advantage you get out of it. Especially since it dodges alot of burn.

March 5, 2014 8:19 a.m.

SharuumNyan says... #20

But DRS is a one drop. Courser is a three drop. That's like apples and oranges. In Modern, those three turns make a huge difference.

He's played too late in the game to be particularly useful, and most of the time you'd probably rather play something else in your hand by turn three anyway.

It's kind of like Master of Waves - his CMC is really too high to be optimal in Modern, but people run him anyway for now, hoping something better will come along to replace him with later.

March 5, 2014 8:26 a.m.

xzavierx says... #21

i dont really agree with that. just because it is a 3 drop doesnt mean it is bad in modern. Jund / rock decks are going to grind you out. 3 drops arent as detrimental you're running hand disruption and 2 cm kill spells. It would be like arguing against Maelstrom Pulse for more Terminate because of the 1 cmc difference. You lose speed and gain versatility.

You lose life with bob / blossom, you want something that blocks zoo and helps with life and deck thinning.

March 5, 2014 1:26 p.m.

megawurmple says... #22

Another good point is the card advantage it grants you. Late game, your Jund build really wants a ton of spells. If Courser is helping you get your lands out of the way, you get more spells. That seems very useful to me.

March 5, 2014 2:27 p.m.

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