Current Lantern??
Modern forum
Posted on March 20, 2018, 1:59 a.m. by NapoleonBonaparte
Hey tappedout family!!
I'm thinking of potentially buying/trading into lantern control while it has dropped in price lately.
I haven't seen much of the deck since the unbannings and I'm curious how the deck is fairing in the current meta??
I know the deck is still good but I'm curious what Lantern players think about lantern in the current meta??
DarkMagician says... #3
Doesn't Jace being unbanned give Lantern a bit of a boost?
March 20, 2018 3:53 p.m.
I mean jace can hurt the deck a lot, but I don't see jace being that good in the format
March 20, 2018 8:30 p.m.
WillowtheCouncil says... #5
Lantern is still generally decent against mostly everything, it still has its matches it just gets wrecked in, and it's gotten cheaper mainly because demand for its cards have dropped.
I think after the unbannings, people are so busy on finding out how to warp the format that they have forsaken playing Lantern. Also, Lantern's popularity has actually hurt it. Players have begun learning how to play against Lantern (SB options, sequencing plays, etc) and it therefore has gotten a little punch.
I don't think Jace is good for Lantern. Jace is one of the cards that actually can beat Lantern, so that's another point against it.
Still, the deck is good and is worth buying if you find that fun. Players hate Lantern for good reason, so it won't make you any friends. It's a hard deck to play, which is part of the reason it isn't more popular.
Disclaimer, don't personally play Lantern myself, but I spend a lot of time looking at Modern's meta.
Scobyawezome says... #2
It's a fine deck that doesn't see much play mostly cause most people don't have a patience to play it. I've seen a few articles saying that it still has a decent chance against everything.
March 20, 2018 1:35 p.m.